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"Zero-seven-six has been contained."

One of the security personnel spoke into his walkie.

"Indeed, we were able to see on the surveillance. That was amazing! Good work, L/n!"

One of the council members praised, sounding breathless.

"It seems everything has been handled. Gentleman, please escort researcher L/n back to his quarters."

The walk back was quiet.

And as you made your way back you received many looks.

Disbelief, Skepticism, amazement.

Apparently the news of you single-handedly taking down Scp 076 had somehow gotten around already.

Everyone was impressed with you.

You'd managed to earn almost every other researchers respect on only your first day and yet....

Why did you feel so melancholic?


Through some sort of miracle a god had given you the gift of sleep.

When you woke up the next day the looks of amazement and words of praise whispered in the halls meant nothing to you.

Honestly it made you feel like some sort of rare creature in a zoo.

Is this how all of the SCP's felt?

Shaking your head you tried to focus on the task at hand, walking faster towards 076's containment.

Apparently he'd reformed inside the coffin a mere three hours after your encounter.

This was considered a little unusual seeing as the least ever recorded was six hours.


Able had exited the large block

Staring daggers into the guards who aimed their guns in alarm upon seeing he was awake and reformed already.

Though he didn't move, instead eyeing them like the dirt that was below him.

The tension was slowly building in the air.

"Scp 076!"

The elite field agent spoke.

"Stand down!"

Able crossed his arms before speaking in an annoyed tone.


Able called out, surprising the agent.


"Where is he?"


The agent began only for Able to interrupt him once more, annoyance dripping from his voice.

"He said he'd speak to me when I came back."

The agent hesitated for a moment before reaching up and speaking into his head piece.



You turned away from your laptop.


"The subject 076 is asking for name?"

You could hear the hesitancy in the other researchers voice.

"He is? What does he want to fight so more or?"

"He doesn't seem to be lashing out aggressively yet."


The researcher shrugged.

"Only one way to find out..."

You sighed pushing yourself up from your chair.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now