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"You know, no one bothered me this much when I was dead. I kind of miss it."

Able mumbled, wandering around your living space.

You glanced over at him with a small smile.

"What? At least your able to wonder more freely now."

Since he was given a bit more freedom he was allowed around the facility.

Currently he was curiously looking around in your room.

Honestly, you had nothing to hide so you really didn't care.

Standing from your chair you stretched out your arms before making your way to the bathroom.

While you weren't in the room, Able picked up a framed image of you and a dog.


Did you not have any images with your family?

He couldn't find any.


He heard you yell.


Able smiled innocently.

"Ah...I was going to clean some of my blades."

You sighed quietly, running a hand across the nape of your neck.

"Alright...I'll get you some blankets."

"Hm? Why not just share a bed?"

Your eyes almost popped out of your skull and you almost IMMEDIATELY rejected it but then you remembered that Able likely had 'Clan' mentality.


You began.

"Humans nowadays don't really share beds like that unless they're familiar with each other."

Able crossed his arms before shrugging.

"Are we not familiar with each other?"


"Alright...I'll grab you some pajamas."

You replied, giving in.


Able questioned.

"Clothes made for You to sleep in."

"Oh. Normally back then we'd just strip-"

"I-I'll go find them now!"


Once you'd gone to bed you purposely shifted so that you'd face away from Able, also carefully keeping a safe distance.

"Y/n...? are you asleep?"

Sighing you glanced over your shoulder.

"No. What's the matter Able?"

"How come you don't have pictures of your family?"

You were quiet for a moment before shrugging.

"This line of work is dangerous. Best to keep at a distance. That and not to mention my own flaws."

" never truly forget you know. What if it comes back?"

Able replied.

"Nope. I'm just going to aggressively ignore that part of my life until it goes away."

You murmured.

"That's definitely not going to me I've been trying for 10'000 years."

Able murmured back.

"You should see your family while your normal."

"Define normal."

"Not like me."

You rolled over to face him.

"Yeah well in your defense my brother didn't murder me so....though I don't understand your need to kill normal people. Maybe you need to learn anger management..."

"I don't need anger management I need people to stop pissing me off."

Shaking your head you added.

"And yet pissing you off isn't exactly difficult..."

"I can't help if humans are stupid..."

Finally you groaned, rolling back over.

"Goodnight, Able."

Trying to get comfortable you, curled up against the pillow.

It was quiet for almost and hour when you heard the faintest voice say.


Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now