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It'd been about a week.

Each time you entered 076's containment you added something new.

You'd gotten into two more altercations with the being though by some miracle you'd managed to keep it hand to hand-

Sure he was much stronger then a human but you managed to combat that with technique, effortlessly using his weight and strength against him.

Each encounter had left the SCP sulking in the corner.

Able was finally seeming to hold some sort of wary respect for you.

His containment cell now contained-

A bookshelf with numerous books focusing on wars, combat strategies and ancient gods.

Next to the bookshelf sat a queen mattress with a burgundy sheet and some simple cotton blankets on it along with a pillow.

You'd managed to get plumbing installed- a small bathroom that contained a toilet, shower and sink now sat in the containment with a small wall separating it from the room to allow a bit of privacy.

Now it was time to be begin anger management activities.

Though to be honest you hadn't really thought of how you were going to get him to participate.

You'd simply brought along things you yourself used when You were Having Anxiety, Anger or a ptsd induced episode- (more souvenirs from your past but that stories for later.) You'd taken a small low coffee table and carried it into his containment much like the others.

You also held a bag that contained Clay, paper, colored pencils and paints.

Before this you'd studied up on  sociopathic psychology so you'd know or at least could attempt to grab his attention to do these activities.

Sitting down on the floor, you slipped your lab coat off before setting on the floor.

You were pretty good at art so you really didn't mind this.

Feeling the SCP's eyes on you, you pulled the clay out of the bag, cutting off a small yet sizeable chunk.

Glancing over at Able you began to shape it into a humanoid.

"What are you doing??"

Able questioned, trying to sound annoyed.

"Sculpting a warrior."

You replied trying to seem dismissive.

The clatter of a book being dropped to the floor echoed inside the walls of containment.

His footsteps seemed to near you.

Yet he just stood there watching as you sculpted him out of clay.

"I might do Achilles next..."

You murmured, delicately using a tool to carve all of Ables markings into the clay.


He questioned.

Shrugging you continued.

"Normally they're a lot bigger but us humans have always shown respect to warriors by making statues and sculptures."

"So that's why there was a rock in the shape of king Uruk...."

Able mumbled though you managed to hide your surprise.

Though it took a moment it finally seemed to click in Ables head what was implied by you making a sculpture of him.

This seemed to silence the SCP as he watched in secret fascination.

You'd done quite well, deciding to have him in a position holding his sword at the ready.

"I know your not really that interested in what humans do but... If you want to make any God or warrior in particular yourself your welcome to use the clay."

Finally you'd gently finished the markings on his face- being careful to not mess up his features while carving them.

"Just have to let it dry now...I might paint it later."

Able tentatively reached out and pinched the clay between his fingers.

You almost jumped with glee when he tore off a piece off clay staring at what he had in his hands.

"If I'm such a warrior or a god to you..."

Able mumbled while shaping the clay, catching your attention.

"...why am I locked in here like an animal?"

He murmured.

You took a deep breath, Panicking on the inside but putting up a calm front.

"Unfortunately a lot of humanity has lost its faith in gods and warriors...."

You began.

"Now a lot of them worship machines. I'm not going to lie to you and say Humanity is wonderful- we're at each other's throats 99% of the time. Why do you think there's so many records and books of our wars?"

Carefully you set aside the tiny Able sculpture.

"A lot of them are cruel and filled with greed. Honestly if I had the choice I'd set you loose in a prison full of serial killers and child molesters and let you go to town. Because in most humans minds we expect gods to give judgement and lay down punishments."

"So kill the non-worthy....?"

"There are so-called 'warriors' that don't have the mindset of true warriors....some only call themselves that as to reap the benefits that come with it. Fame, women and wealth being seen as most of them."

Able rolled his eyes obviously in understanding.

"And I take your own words now Able. They cower upon looking into the eyes of death. They scream and run like children. They will never be true warriors if they do not have that mentality of what it truly means to sacrifice ones self in the name of a cause. Though there are some warriors that have good intentions that choose to fight for the wrong reasons. Often they end up fighting for Foolish kings and cowardly princes."

You figured if you showed Able you had a similar mentality he might be able to empathize with you and humans more.

The SCP nodded along, seeming quite interested in the conversation.


Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now