Its a little early...

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After that awkward encounter you'd somehow convinced Able to go back to bed.

A few hours later however the pitter patter of water woke you and you sat up in your bed looking over at the clock.

It was two in the morning.

What the hell?

You cautiously slid out of bed, glancing over at Ables empty one.


Was he really in the shower at two AM?

But the bathroom light wasn't on...

However you could hear water.

You cautiously made your way over to the bathroom, reaching for one of the smaller lights before flicking it on.

You cautiously made your way over to the bathroom, reaching for one of the smaller lights before flicking it on

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Able looked back at you, surprised slightly by the sudden light.

Oh god.

You kept your eyes trained on his face.

"Able...It's two in the morning you know that right??"

He nodded.

"So...w-why are in the shower right now...????"

You stuttered, keeping your face trained ANYWHERE ELSE.

Able shrugged.

"I'm trying to figure out how it works. And I don't really get free time otherwise."

Pinching your temple you glanced over at him.

"And why in the dark?"

Able rubbed his neck awkwardly, looking away as if embarrassed.

"I couldn't remember where it was or how to turn it on..."

You nodded slowly, gently leaving before coming back with his borrowed pajamas and a couple of towels.

"You use these to dry off..."

Mumbling you motioned to the towels.

Just as you attempted to leave Able spoke.

"But do I use these?"

The scp questioned, pointing to one of the many bottles in the shower.


Were you really gonna have to teach someone to bathe?

Not just anyone but an Ancient 10'000+ warrior...?

Sighing you walked back over to him, careful not to get wet.

"This is for your hair."

You replied pointing to the bottle in his hand.


You pointed at the bar of soap.

"-Is for your body."

Able furrowed his brows.

"But why not just make something that applies to everything...we just had one bar of soap we'd take down to the river..."


"Oh, we'd all go down together to do laundry and wash..."

He began slowly.

"My siblings and I..."

"Oh. What did you make soap from?"

You questioned, trying to change the subject.

"Goats milk. Or lye."

He replied.

" your all good then? So I'll just be-"

"But what about that?"

He questioned again, pointing at the sponge that hung on the wall.

Son of a bitch.

"Y-You can use that with the soap to clean yourself better-"

You sputtered, before noticing Ables expression.

This smug bastard was smirking.

Did he know this made you awkward and was enjoying making you squirm????

"You- You don't really need that much help do you?"

Able was CLEARLY holding back a smile.

"I'm just not really familiar with modern tools...why don't you show me?"

"NO, no, nope, nada, not happening. Besides clearly you have some idea and your just getting a kick put of making me uncomfortable."

Thinking back to your dream, and what happened earlier you began to feel flustered all over again.

Yes, he was undeniably attractive but he's also an SCP under your watch.

You flinched harshly upon realizing that Able had stepped out from under the shower and now stood with his face inches from yours-

you would have jumped back if he hadn't grabbed a hold of your wrist.


"Just tell me one thing..."

He murmured with a smirk, voice low.

"How come when we battle you show no fear or hesitation...."

At this point you were backed against the wall, Ables wet skin pressing against your clothes, the dampness seeping through.

"...And yet now your so hesitant and afraid to come near me?"

He tilted his head.

"I have no weapon right why?"

Your face burned with shame, but with no space between the two of you, your gaze was forced to remain on the taller beings face.

You glanced at the door only for Able to slam his hand just left your head.

"Don't even think about it...your not leaving until you've answered me."

His grey eyes bore into your soul.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now