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"Able, you should stop playing with the bandages-"

Able shrugged you off before interjecting.

"-It'll be gone by morning."

This made you sigh and shake your head.

"Yeah but our mission is tomorrow so you interfering with its healing process wouldn't be a good idea."

Suddenly Able was in front of you, blocking your field of view.

"While we're on the topic of tomorrow...."

He murmured, hand brushing your hip.

"Was there anything you wanted to I don't know.... Do tonight?"

You swallowed harshly, looking at anything but him.

"Able the mission is tomorrow- I'm honestly surprised you aren't, I don't know- preparing for it?"

You rambled on nervously but before could ramble on more with two swift steps Able was in front of you, grabbing your jaw and pinning you to to the wall harshly.


"Shut up."

His canine dug into your lower lip as he bit down.

The sound of air rushing past your ears was suddenly evident, you're breath hitching as your back suddenly collided with cool sheets.


"Nuclear transmutation devices for long-lived fission-"

"-very comprehensive exam-"

"Spent countless hours ensuring that it would-!"

"He did Not know what he was doing!!!!"

"His instructions were to-!"

Finally a loud groan erupted from none other the Jonathon Bright, capturing the attention of several in the meeting room.

There was so much chatter he couldn't even think.

But Bright chuckled and waved a dismissive hand.

"I'm sure everything will go smoothly. Alpha nine has been instructed that Cain remain as an advisory aid to the mission. He won't be anywhere near Able."

The man stated simply.

"That's still only one of the several concerns that are part of this mission."

Another researcher interjected.

"Yes, and I have all of them mostly under control."

"You can't-"


The chairman interjected, making everyone go silent.

"Dr.Bright is very reliable and has been doing this for quite some time. Have faith and all should run smoothly. Dr. Bright?"

Bright looked over at the chairman.

"Could you go over to Able and Researcher Y/n's quarters and give Y/n this paperwork? It outlines some important details they'll need to know."

The doctor nodded, carefully taking the file from the chairman- all eyes in the room following him as he left.

'They're all a bunch of prideful idiots that think they need to be right.'

Bright thought as he approached the door to your quarters.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now