A proposal

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(I'm so sorry it took so long to update again guys >.< Lots has been going on in my life and I'll be moving states again soon. Anywho enjoy!)

By the time Able was speaking again it was dark outside.

Kjell and Thomas had come in and left you clothes to wear for the night before leaving and telling the two of you to get some rest.


You huffed a sigh.

"Listen Able, that's really not what I meant earlier-"

Able cut you off before you could finish.

"-That's not what I need to talk to you about..."

"Oh...what did you need to talk about then?"

Able seemed to hesitate.

"Have...you thought about what I proposed?"

You sat up slowly, eyeing Able cautiously.

He had no collar on and had quite the advantage on you in your current state.

He could easily just force you to come at this point.

"Erm...I don't know. I honestly don't."

"Still? What's so hard about this decision?"

Able leaned towards you, caressing your face.

"Why do you want to run off so bad?"

Able scoffed a bit in response.

"Is this a trick question?"

He leaned in even closer.


You replied, trying not to let his closeness cloud your mind.

The long haired man was quiet for some time.

In fact when he spoke again it was so quiet you almost didn't catch that he was even speaking.

"I know this is....gonna sound foolish. But after everything..."

"After everything what?"

"That's happened to me. Y/n I've been alive for longer then you could ever imagine. Everyone... Everything went away."

He breathed deeply, his voice still barely a whisper.

Like he hoped you wouldn't hear him but he needed to speak it.

"That's why I stopped caring. I'm alive still and yet I walk like I'm dead. I didn't know what to do for so long. I chased things I fought so many battles hoping I'd feel....I don't know just anything. Something."

In the dim lighting of the room you could swear their was a clear glassy shine to Ables eyes.

"Sometimes...I just don't feel like I'm real. Not unless I'm hurting in some way, I'm just so used to it. I didn't know how to live without it."

Able looked up at you, the glassy surface breaking and dancing across his cheeks.

"After my brother killed me I...The only thing I had keeping me going was my Rage. That he'd gotten to have family, that he has people the care about him...."

His thumb brushed your cheek.

"But it's impossible to kill him. I know that. I'm not a fool. Deep down I just kept hoping that I'd find something else motivating me. Something more then Rage or spite- I wanted to feel like living."


"For so long I thought that the only thing I could believe in and count on was myself. It's how I survived. And yet..."

He paused.

"Here you are..."

You could feel the heat radiating from your face.

"How is it you make me feel alive again? Every single one of those idiots at the foundation, none of them I give the slightest damn about. But you....I just want you."

He gently kissed your knuckles.

"...just you."

Able murmured into your skin.

"What will it take...for you to trust me?"

You could feel a slight wetness against your hand as he pressed his cheek against it.

"Please....please stay with me. Don't leave me..."

He whispered quietly before pressing a shaky kiss to your lips.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now