Mission Alpha 9

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"Copy Alpha Nine?"

"We need  more relevant information about the entities. Base do you copy?"

"The earliest time you can acquire that information-? Alright then I will let them know."

"Let us know what?"

"There will be a set of explosives air dropped into-"

Currently you were in some sort of underground complex of caves.

The agents walkie seemed to echo all throughout.

Having it up so loud....

Not the smartest Idea.

A rumbling almost guttural sound-

Before the agent could react a shadowy spear shot through him, painting the floor and walls of the cave in blood spatter.

Chao's ensued.

Many agent just outright panicked, shooting heavily at the moving shadows-

Their screams bounced off of the cave walls.

Some were smart enough to grab their flashlights, aiming them at the creatures.

The screams of the shadow beings-

It was the first time you'd ever heard something so unholy.

You swung your axe at those exposed to the flashlights, cutting them down one by one, their black blood covering the floor as they melted into liquid after death.

Just as one attempted managed to grab a hold of you, it was thrown off screeching as it was startled by the sudden large flash of a camera.

Iris kept pushing the flash again and again until you'd incapacitated the creature with your axe.

There was so much noise, yelling, scuffling, gunshots- yet you saw no one except Able and Iris-

Able cut down hundreds of them with ease-

Stomping ones skull and grinding it into the stone floor after Iris blinded it with her camera flash.

You had to be in the center of the hive-

There were thousands of them.

Too many.

Your mind wandered on what to do, adrenaline kicking in as you watch the others begin to struggle.

Then your eyes caught sight of something-

A sticky bomb.

Explosives had been planted in the dead center of the hive-

Probably D-class sent on a suicide mission.


You shouted at the others, whipping your gun out of its Hollister and aiming it at one of the barrels of gasoline hesitating a moment as Able jumped for cover, grabbing a hold of Iris on the way down.

You pulled the trigger.

Deafening silence.

Then there was a flash of bright light, an unholy chorus of the creatures screams following after.

Then you were thrown.


And that was when the world went black.

(Wahaha....cliff hanger. Lol JK will update again at like 7-8ish)

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