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"A-Able you really shouldn't b-be-"

You looked away from his face desperately, training it over his shoulder only for Able to growl and grab your face with his free hand.

"You look at me when I'm talking to you..."

His face was only centimeters away.

"....And stop avoiding the question."


You tried to whisper but stumbled over the words.


"H...Humans get nervous being around what their attracted to."

You finally gave in and answered truthfully.

Able tilted his head, grip tightening as the corner of his twitched, slightly revealing one of his canines.

"Tell me again...more specific this time."

You swallowed your pride, trying to push down the heat budding in your stomach.

"Y...Your attractive, Able."

Able smirked, pressing harder against you.



"My name."

He growled, slamming your back harshly against the wall.

"Say it Again."

You bit your lip.

"Didn't you hear me...? Again."

Biting down harshly on your lower lip you refused to give him that satisfaction.

Finally Able growled, roughly tugging it free.

"If you bite your lip one more time, I'm going to do it for you."

His wet hand kept squeezing your jaw, and you could feel him pushing his pelvis into you.

"You know...I didn't know there was still any humans like the Ancient Greeks or Romans..."

He pushed harder, making you gasp.

"Last time I'm going to tell you...Again."

Finally a little fed up you looked up at him and in the most sexually charged voice you could muster you sensually purred.



Your intent had been to make him uncomfortable enough that he backed off-

After all there was no way he was doing this other then to mess with you and assert his dominance...


Ables cheeks were tinted red though he remained where he was his breath getting heavier, predatory gaze lingering on your face.

Suddenly he practically snarled his nails digging harshly into your thighs as you were picked up and pinned to the wall.

His teeth bit at your lips before pulling them into a rough kiss, hands still kneading your thighs-

You could only gasp and cry out into his mouth in surprise.

Shuddering you could only bring your hands up to his chest and attempt to push him away.

Quite the feat considering he had you lifted up off the ground and pinned to the wall.


You tried to speak, through his lips.

In the times he'd been killed by water it took over an hour for him to asphyxiate.

You weren't getting a break to breath anytime soon.

Finally you managed to break away, gasping for air.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now