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(Mental unrest and similar situations that come with. Viewer discretion advised.)

"When I heard they were going to introduce a new member to Alpha 9 I thought it'd be polite to introduce myself!"

Able said nothing, merely staring down at the doctors outstretched hand.


Bright muttered, a sweat drop forming on his forehead.

"Not one for handshakes, eh....?"

You awkwardly glanced over at Able.

"Yeah, We've been working on a lot of things but we haven't really had the chance to better his social skills..."

Walking up behind Able you placed a hand on his shoulder.

Bright's Eyes suddenly widened with recognition.

"Oh! Your the other SCP, correct??"

Your face furrowed in visible confusion.


Just as Bright opened his mouth to speak again a voice spoke loud enough in his earpiece to make him jump.

*"Doctor Bright your presence is required in site-17's meeting room immediately."*

Another sweat drop.

"Ah, you'll have to excuse me..."

Bright apologized.

"It's alright Mr. Bright..."

You began only for Bright to smile sheepishly.

"Please, call me John."


"Why??! I've already helped that psycho with the tattoo's! Why are you doing this to me?? Haven't I done enough???!!!"

The blond girl screamed, burying her face in her hands.

"We're very sorry SCP 105-"



The doctor corrected apologetically, growing sympathetic to the young girls sobbing.

"I just wanna go home..."

She sobbed softly into her hands.

"I'm sorry, Iris. But this is the best way we can insure that there won't be another suicide attempt."

Iris continued to sob, refusing to listen to the man.

"Why couldn't you just let me die....?"

As the doctor went to speak again, suddenly a guard opened the door.

"Dr.(REDACTED), Your time is up. She had another visitor."

The doctor gave the girl one last sympathetic glance before leaving the room, brushing past scp 073 as he left.

"You have another visitor."

The guard stated.

Iris didn't look up until a comforting and familiar voice spoke.

"Hello there.....It saddens me to see my friend in this state."

The girl wiped her eyes and looked up to see 073.

Immediately upon seeing Cain, she stood from her bed, rushing over and embracing Cain tightly.

"There, there..."

He murmured into the young girls hair.

"It's alright...."

"No it's not...."

She whimpered into the cloth of his shirt.

"I don't want to do this anymore!!"

"I know....I know."

Cain whispered in understanding.

"But I'll be with you the whole way...I promise."

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now