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"Putting him here should be fine. We'll keep the door open so we can keep an eye on him."

Although Able could nod, he appeared rather weary.

"Is he going to be okay?"

Able questioned quickly.

"Well, the closest town to here is about eleven hours away. I think we have enough to ensure he survives, but if he doesn't wake up soon we might need to call for help. Even then, the nearest hospital is 18 hours away."

The bearded man pulled up a chair next to the bed for Able to sit on.

"Here. By the way you got a name kid?"

Able glanced over at the man.

"Able. And this Y/n."

He replied motioning to you.

"Huh....Able? You mean like in the Bible?"

"Book of Genesis..."

You corrected.

Both Able and Thomas jumped, looking at you in surprise.

"Y/n? Y/n??"

The SCP questioned, grabbing a hold of you gently.


Thomas chuckled, visibly relieved.

"Well I'll be damned! I'm gonna see if I can find that first aid kit. You can stay here with him. Keep an eye on him. Kjell should be heating up some water and will bring you some tea or coffee in a second. That alright?"

Able nodded, not quite listening.

"Y/n? Are you alright?"

"My head hurts."

"Well no shit."

You only managed to shoot him a dirty look before your temple throbbed.

"Why did I pass out?"

Able went quiet.


"Alriiiiighty- I got some hot tea for you both."

Before Able could say anything Kjell swiftly walked into the room, carrying two mugs.

"I'll just set these here. You prolly shouldn't sit up to soon."

Kjell said, motioning to you.

"Don't wanna end up a cripple now do yah?"

The blonde man joked before stepping out again.

"Able what happened-"

"I told him we were miners."


You questioned confused.

" Harvesting ore miners not underaged minors...."

"Uhh....sorry interrupt you two but what were you saying about minors?"

"Ah....I think he hit his head really hard..."

Able murmured, making you give him side eye.

Thomas chuckled.

"Ah...I got the first aid kit. I should be able to look at you I used to be a paramedic."

The man grabbed the small flashlight, pointing at your eyes.

"Hmmmm well you definitely at the very least have a concussion."

He set the flashlight aside.

"And your gonna need only about....four stitches it looks like. First I'll clean it up a bit."

He looked over at Able.

"Why don't you relax for a second? I'll check you over in a minute. You should drink the tea before it gets cold. It gets pretty cold outside and I wanna be sure neither of you caught hypothermia."

Able sat back in his chair, picking up the mug hesitantly.

Any sort of injury he might of had was probably healed.

That... wouldn't make the man suspicious would it?

"I....feel perfectly fine."

Able murmured.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now