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"So Able...I need you to promise me something."

Able looked over at you.

"You want me to promise you? Why should I?"

"I'm asking you because I know you value yourself and the honor that is a death in battle. And I know you won't likely refuse-"

Able went quiet again.

"If....If I ever go into that state when I'm in here and I attack you-"

Hesitating you looked hard into his gaze.

"-Kill me."

Able almost looked taken aback for a moment.

"It'd be better that way...better to die at another warriors hand then to slaughter innocents."

Able nodded in agreement- though your words seemed to etch themselves into his mind.


You stretched your arms and stood.

"-I think I've bothered you enough with my own problems today-"

"Do you have any stories?"

Able interjected.

Now it was your turn to be taken aback.


"You said you've fought many battles...can you tell me about them?"



The fascination with war.

"Hm....though most recent is our war with afghanistan...in fact that's still ongoing."

Ables eyes widened.

"There's a war going on right now?"

"Yes...in fact you might be familiar with area. I've fought war in Iraq as well. Though you probably knew Iraq as Mesopotamia."

"What is there now?"


Able nodded.

"Old Ruins and statues from the civilization are still there but...now there are cities and towns from our generation of humanity."

Able frowned a bit.

"I see..."

"Do you miss those times?"

"Times where humans weren't so self-absorbed, narcissistic and actually respected their gods and battled with honor? Yes."

"Oof....yeah humans sure do know how to start wars but we're not all that good at ending them..."

Much to your surprise Able actually snickered.

"You don't say?"

Finally Able stood.

"Fight me."


"Until I can best you. You make somewhat decent entertainment it seems."

"Jee, thanks..."

You mumbled.

Suddenly, Able pointed at the gun on your hip.

"Get rid of it."

"What? Why? Do you even know what that is?"

Able seemed awkward for a moment.

"It's a gun, Able. How come you never tried to learn to use one while you worked with Omega 7?"

Able seemed to glare at it.

"Because its just cowardly hiding behind one of them. I'd rather use my sword so I can feel the life drain from my enemies."

Holy shit.

"Okaaaay then. But is there any other reason I've never seen you use weapons besides a sword?"


"I mean...I'm more of an Axe man myself but... I also have small throwing knives, a gun, I have a spear somewhere and even a bow. So why just a sword...?"


"Do you...have you ever seen a bow or used a bow??? Or at the very least a spear....?"



"Okay, that's it-"

"What? Hey, where are you going?! We're supposed to fight!!!!"

Able yelled after you.

"I'm bringing you a damn bow, and some spears. I'll be right back!"

Able watched the door shut behind you, standing there in utter disbelief.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now