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You briskly made your way through the halls, already to used to the heavy sounds of the leather boots you wore.

Today was supposed to be the first day of Ables training protocols.

You damn well were aware that this was a day that you needed to be as focused and level-headed as possible.

That dream....

Out of everything possible you could have dreamt about-

You dreamt about Able in that way???

It was ridiculous.

Number one, he literally is an SCP under your watch-

Number two, according to the files he has absolutely NO sexual drive, and thirdly he doesn't even like women, so why the hell would he like men either?

Running your palm across your face, you hesitantly raised your hand to unlock the door to Ables containment.

As it slid open you paused before taking an uncertain step forward-

Your eyes immediately fled to corner of the room.

Don't think about it, don't think about it- fuck.

Able had just pulled on a pair of briefs and held his pants in his hand, seemingly becoming frustrated with the button.

Was he really not familiar with buttons???


In his defense they weren't invented until the 13th-14th Century in europe.

The longer he stood trying to figure out the button and zipper that more flustered you became until finally, you walked over to him.

"You put the button through the hole like this-"

You began, buttoning his pants.

"-and then you just pull this up. Haven't you worn Cargos before?"

"The last ones they gave me didn't have the damn things..."

He muttered, exasperated.

Getting down on your knees you pulled boots onto his feet before pressing the sole to your shoulder and tying them for him.

"I know how to tie my shoes...I'm not an infant."

He muttered again.

"Just trying to be helpful."

You replied Visibly unfazed, setting his foot to the ground.

Once you'd stood and turned away Able pulled the Athletics shirt over his head.

Turning back you began to speak only for your voice to waver.

"Alright, are rea...."

Ables eyes seemed to rake across you.....almost....hungrily?

Oh no, was he thinking about eating you?

'Calm y/n, calm... No where in his files did it mention he was cannibalistic.'

You cleared your throat before trying speak again.

"Are you ready to train Able? Able...?"

He stared at you seemingly in a trance and your mind shot back to your dream last night.

{"I know you talked to my brother..."}

And like that you were flustered, anxious and another feeling you couldn't describe-

'More like didn't wanna describe-'

'Shut up.'

Finally you shook your head.

"Able? Earth to grandpa?"

You called jokingly, trying to shake it off.

This seemed to snap Able out of the trance.

"Yes, I'm ready..."

He replied, seemingly more annoyed then before.

What was going on?

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now