Night thoughts😏

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"Why do you hold onto me...?"

You sputtered over your words desperately trying to think of an excuse.

"I...I just want to make sure your okay."

You replied, looking up at Able.

"You mean you don't want me to kill things."

"Ah- no I-"

Suddenly Able was leaning over where you we're sitting on the bed, his nose brushing against yours.

"So tell me.....if I did does that mean your gonna tell me about what a bad boy I've been?"

Your eyes widened to the size of saucers.


You were pushed against the bed harshly.

"Because if anything...."

He whispered, his hot breath tickling your nose.

"...I'll be the one giving discipline."

Your wrists where pinned above your head and you could feel his teeth scrape your neck before his hands forced your legs apart.


He whispered.




Your eyes shot open, Able was looking down at you.

"Uh...what? What's the matter Able?"

You muttered awkwardly, sitting up and rubbing your eyes trying to WILL what was going on downstairs to go away.

"Nothing's the matter I think? You were murmuring my name in your sleep so I thought you were trying to say something."


You screamed internally.

"O-Oh...uh. No I was just having um...a dream I guess. Everything's fine."

Able nodded, still not moving from your bed.

Were...were you still dreaming.

You pinched your arm under the covers.



You were awake.

Just checking.

"You okay, Able?"

You questioned softly, wondering why he was still sat on your bed.

"I just..."

He mumbled, clearly hesitating.

"I.....feel strange."

You sat up.

"Strange? Strange how? Does everything feel okay?"

Able shook his head, red tinting his cheeks.

"Nothing hurts-"

He began, awkwardly averting his gaze.

"Then...then what's the matter? Do you just...maybe feel anxious about the mission or-"

Able scoffed.

"I've been fighting in battles for over 10'000 years..."

"True. You've never been one for diplomacy."

You joked softly.

"But...if it's not that then what is it?"

Ables face went redder then before.

"It's...I've never really felt this before."

You nodded.

"Uh huh....interesting."

You murmured, mind shooting back to your dream.

Whenever something happened to you-

Able displayed similar emotional states.

So logically since you just had a wet dream-


It couldn't be.

You glanced back over at Able, who conveniently-

Had his legs Crossed.

Oh no.


(So if you've read about SCP 6001's abilities you'll know that he has the ability to manipulate and/or reflect his emotions and feelings onto to others. Soooooo-

Basically you gave Able second-hand boner.

Well done, children.

Well done.)

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now