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After a quick check in with the council they agreed to allow you to enter the Scp's cell along with giving you the task to attempt to interview the being.

They had seen you could handle yourself with him after all.

Carrying the clip board with the list of questions they wanted you to ask, you made your way into 076's cell.

All the guards had kept their guns trained on him, prepared for the worst.

"Hello again."

You greeted softly.

Able seemed to perk up a little with your presence.

"Finally....all the rest here do nothing but disgust me."

Able muttered, dropping the researcher he'd picked up by their collar.

The researcher landed on the floor with a yelp, immediately scuttling away upon being dropped.

You showed no signs of being afraid of the being, quietly approaching closer before sitting down on the floor, the clip board in your lap.

The guards watched you in disbelief.

We're you really letting your guard down around this sociopath????

Able glared at the guards.

"Why are they still here?"

"Because technically after all that shit you pulled during the Omega 7 trial any sort of  'project' with you was supposed to be suspended indefinitely."

An agent responded only to be completely ignored and not even acknowledged by Able.

"Yes but I was given direct approval by the council."

You replied softly to the guard, who still eyed Able in disapproval.

"Alright but you get killed its not on us."

"Of course."

You murmured softly almost dismissively.

The guards kept their guns trained on Able until the thick reinforced steel door closed behind him.

Able seemed a little confused by your place on the floor.

"Uh...what are you doing? Aren't we going to fight???"

You glanced up at him.

"Only once you've answered a few questions for me."

Able narrowed his eyes amd remained silent.

"At least answer a few of them? Then we'll spar like I promised okay?"

Able crossed his arms again, his eyes still narrowed.

"And how do I know your telling the truth...?"

You shrugged.

"You'll just have to take my word for it."

Able still seemed aloof for a couple more minutes before seemingly flopping down across from you with a huff.

"Fine...but betray your word and I will kill you."

"Funny, I thought you were going to do that anyways."

"Just ask me your Repetitive questions."

You raised a brow.


"They always ask the same thing. I don't have to answer a thing."

You nodded, looking to your clip board but you couldn't help but be amused at the sight of said Scp sitting across from you criss-cross applesauce.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now