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"You sure? I mean you may feel fine but you never know."

Able nodded.


Finally the man relented with a nod.

"Oh Alrighty then. But you tell me if you start feeling any pain okay?"

Able nodded again, unsure if he should speak again.

Outside of the foundation he's never had much interaction with modern humans besides killing them.

"Though if I might say those are....quite the tattoos you have there."

Kjell mumbled, awkwardly trying to make small talk.

Thomas shot him a look.

Kjell quickly held his hand up in defense.

"What do they mean?"

"Kjell, don't be rude!"

Now it was Kjell who shot the bearded man a look.

"How am I being rude I was just asking what-"

Before they could argue further Able hesitantly cut them off.

"I'm....I'm originally from a tribe in Mongolia."

Able said- It was sort of half true.

(Mesopotamia. Also scp files note that Ables stone cube was found in Mongolia)

Both men looked at Able in confusion.

"But you look Middle eastern...?"



"I'm pretty sure the boy knows where he's from."

"My Mother was from Mongolia but my father is from Iraq."

Able interjected with the lie swiftly hoping to end the men's bickering.

"Oooooh! That makes sense..."

You sat in the corner awkwardly-

Secretly grateful that Able could make things up so quickly.

"Wait a minute....Is Mongolia technically considered middle east ooooor-"

Thomas audibly groaned.

"Don't even start now."


"For the love of God use Google! These boys need to rest!"

Thomas quickly slapped a hand down of Kjell's shoulder, leading the protesting man out of the room.

"I'll be back to check on you later."

You nodded.

"Thank you for helping us."

"Of course. I wasn't just gonna leave you to the mercy of the wilderness now."

It wasn't until the man had shut the door behind him did you risk looking at Able.

"What's going on?"

You whispered carefully.

"I came across this place- you blacked out in the woods. They offered to help."


Able took in your surprised expression.


"I just-"

You began.

"You just what?"

"I didn't think you'd...I don't really know the polite way to put this but....I didn't think you could-"

"-Interact with Humans without violence?"

"Wait, no that's not what I-"

"Stop. Be quiet. I get it..."

Able replied firmly.

His expression was stiff and annoyed.

"I really didn't mean it that way..."

You murmured softly almost as if you were speaking the words to yourself.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now