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(Fair warning this is gonna escalate quickly. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.)

Silence filled the room.

Cain said nothing, sadness filling his gaze.

"It's...it's all my fault."

He murmured under his breath.

"Cain you made a mistake. Everyone makes them."

You empathized.

"I've killed a lot in my time as a soldier....not a day goes by that I don't think about it."

"Yes but...you didn't kill your own brother."

Cain pointed out.

"No I didn't."

You replied.

"Buuut It also hasn't been like I don't know, 10'000 years since the last time I killed someone-"

Cain started to speak.


You added, already sensing what he was going to say.

Cain seemed to take it in for a moment.

Glancing over at the clock, you straightened your files.

"Ah, I'd better find those files..."

Cain stood and grabbed your wrist.

"Wait- oh sorry..."

He apologized, his voice low.

"Will I see you again?"

You nodded.

"Eventually. I have to come here pretty frequently."

Cain seemed content with this, releasing your wrist with yet another apology.


Once you we're back in your office, you pulled out some earbuds, eager to concentrate.

You popped in your earbuds, clicking on a random song.

You'd just gotten into the groove of your work, scribbling some notes from the files when a hand clasped down on your shoulder, nearly making you jump out of your skin.

Practically ripping an earbud out you could hear a familiar voice chuckling behind you.

And as to who it belonged to?

It wasn't exactly who you were expecting to see.

"A warrior should be alert at all times...."

Able chuckled lowly, in a husky tone- dragging a tongue across his canine.

"What- w-what are you doing here?"

Suddenly his expression turned darker, his hand grabbing you by the hair at the back of your neck and before you could react he'd pinned you against the wall.

His eyes we're penetrating, his grip tightening harshly as his gaze bore into your soul.

"I'm here because I know you talked to my brother..."

You shuddered.


Suddenly his hand released your hair, one slamming next to your head, the other gripping your face harshly.

He slowly brought his knee up, pressing it between your legs.

You unconsciously bit your lip.

"You're only gonna be rewarded for loyalty...though perhaps you need incentive."

You began to tremble, unable to register what feeling was heavy in the air.

He smirked, seemingly smug about making you react this way.

Leaning in closely, his hot breath tickled your face- he slowly ran his tongue across your lower lip, making you twitch and gasp in disbelief, giving him the opportunity to delve his tongue in.

After several minutes he pulled away, smirking and licking his lips before speaking-


You shot up straight, almost jumping out of your bed at the sound of your alarm.


You murmured confused, looking around the room.


Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now