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He murmured- he could obviously tell you were hesitant.

"We could just go. Run away from everything. Go far away- Live in the wilderness somewhere like humans used too many years ago. I could build a house-"

"Able I....I don't know. I don't know what to say."

"Just say you'll come with me."

"But....Do you know how hard is to get away from the foundation???"

"My trackers gone, we'd go somewhere in the middle of nowhere-"

"And how do I know that will work out? That 'We' will work out??"

Able went quiet.

"What do you mean? You're mine and you'll always be mine."

You only felt more on edge hearing his words.

"Able, I don't belong to anyone. I'm not property."

"But I fought for you...?"

Your jaw almost dropped.

"Able this is the 21st century! This isn't a joust where you win and carry the fair maiden away anymore!"

"But your not a woman...?"

"That just further proves my point!"

"But I'm the only one your ever going to be with."

Oh dear God.

"You know what that's probably the truth but it's wrong of you to put it that way!"

"Then I apologize for putting it that way. But I still mean what I said."

"That's REALLY contradictive!"


Able grabbed you by the wrist.

"I don't...."

He gently grabbed the other one with his other hand.

"I don't want to go back to the foundation...What if....What if they separate us? What if after these missions when my use has ended they take you away from me...?"

Your expression softened.

"Able why do you think this is gonna happen?"

Ables face turned grim and bitter.

".... because that's what always happens."

He murmured under his breath.

His voice was so faint you almost didn't hear him.

Suddenly Able turned back towards you, grabbing your face and pulling you into a kiss.

Before you could react he'd pulled away, your noses brushing against eachother.

"I'm not asking to run from the foundation forever. Because I know I won't be with you forever. You won't be here for all of my life..."

He whispered.

"...So atleast let me be with you for the rest of yours. Without anyone watching us, and dictating our every move."

" do I know I can trust you?"

Ables eyes wore a bittersweet expression.

"I won't kill anyone if you come with me."


"A life for a a sense."

"I....I need time to think about it. I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll come with me."


Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now