Please trust me

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When Able pulled away he didn't say anything.

Wordlessly you grabbed his hand, intertwining you're fingers with his.


Before Able could react you'd gently pushed his back against the bed, allowing yourself to hover above him.


He questioned- breathless.

You cut him off with a kiss, caressing the back of his neck with your free hand.

Pulling away you were careful to prop yourself back up above him.

Your hands were once again on either side of his head.



You hummed softly in question.

"Kiss me again."

You bent down to give him another kiss, which he returned needily.


You murmured against his lips.

Able leaned his his head up to look at you.

He almost appeared to be in a drunken haze.


"Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do."

He replied without skipping a beat.

"Okay then."

You whispered softly.

Able seemed a bit uncertain as you pushed up his shirt and began pressing warm, wet kisses across his stomach making him moan softly.

Ables breathing quickened as you gently pulled your shirt up over your head, allowing it to drop to the floor.

Your fingers slid under the elastic of the pajama pants he'd been given, sliding them down with ease.

You squeezed his thighs pressing light kisses to the insides of them before latching your mouth to his skin and sucking on it gently.

Able gasped quietly his fingers slipping into your hair.

You pulled away- Slowly admiring your Handy work that was the hickey you'd left on the inside of his thigh.

"Able... Remember there's other people in this house.... You gotta be quiet."

Your hands cupped his ass making him jump a little in surprise.


You squeezed him harder, while kissing his arousal through his underwear.

" have to relax, baby."

Able's face was Ten shades of red not only because this was the first time you'd ever called him a pet name but also because he realized exactly what you were planning on doing.

"W-What I don't- I don't know how to do that- Y/n-"


You climbed back up above him so that you were hovering above him again.

"I haven't done anything like this. I d...don't know how to-"

Your hand gently grabbed a hold of his chin, making him look up at you.

"No, but I do...and I promise I'll take good care of you if you let me...and if you don't like it I will stop...okay?"

Your thumb stroked his lower lip, making him shudder in what appeared to be a mixture of Nervousness and Arousal.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now