dare 28

281 7 13

Me: Ok, another dare for everyone, and this one is really exciting!!

Otis: And by exciting, you mean something that's going to embarrass us, right?

Me: That's debatable. Anyway, the dare is everyone has to go hold the hand of the person they have a crush on.

Olympia: *blushes* We all have to do that?

Me: Yup, that's the dare.

Otis: I- I knew it was something that was going to embarra- *Olympia interrupts him by grabbing his hand and smiling at him*

Olympia: *blushes* Hi.

Otis: *blushes* Hi.

Me: Ok, that's so cute!!

Orchid: What if I don't have a crush on anyone? Huh, then what, Sherman?

Ohlm: I have a crush on someone! *holds Orchid's hand*

Orchid: *blushes slightly* Ok, fine. Maybe I like you too.

Oprah: *Holds O'Donahue's hand* You like me too, right?

O'Donahue: Of course, Opes! *blushes*

Oscar: *holds Oona's hand and blushes* hehe hey, Oona.

Oona: *blushes* Hi.

Otto: *talking to himself and giving himself a pep talk* Ok, you can do this, Otto.

Olive: *walks in* Hey, what's going on guys?

Otto: *holds her hand and she blushes* there was a dare for us to hold hands with our crush....

Olive: *blushes even more* Oh. *smiles* Well, I'm holding my crush's hand right now.

Otto: *blushes* you mean me?

Olive: Yes, you, you dork. *giggles*

Otto: Yes! Boom-crush-alotta!

Todd: Hold up! I wanna hold her hand too! *holds Olive's other hand*

Otto: Back off, Todd! She likes me!

Todd: No, she likes me!

Olive: Guys, please don't start!

Me: Ok, Y/n, your turn.

Y/n: Me? Oh um....

Todd: *holds Y/n's hand*

Y/n: *blushes and looks over at Todd*

Todd: *blushes slightly* Yeah, yeah. Maybe I kind of have a crush on you too....

Y/n: *smiles* yayy!

Me: Ok! Dare done!

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