dare 51 (part 3)

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A/n: Hey guys! Here is the long awaited (probly not that long awaited lol) part 3! This was so fun to write! Lol so yeah, just so you know, this is gonna be super fluffy lol. hope you enjoy! 😘

O'Angel: *runs all the way to the park and sits down on a bench crying*

Todd: *runs up to her* O'Angel, are you ok?

O'Angel: You heard Olympia! I'm basically a villain. I don't belong in odd squad.

Todd: *sits down beside her* Hey, don't say that. You're not a villain. Trust me, I know what a villain is. I used to be one. And now I'm not, just like you're not.

O'Angel: *wipes her tears* B-but Olympia said-

Todd: I'm sure Olympia didn't mean that, she was just really upset. And she still had no right to say that. But like I said, I know what a villain is, and that's not what you are! You don't purposely cause trouble or anything. You're a great agent, O'Angel.

O'Angel: *looks up at him and smiles at him* Thanks, Todd.

Todd: *blushes because he realizes how close they are sitting* Um, no problem. You're a great agent, and I want you to know that. And, I know this is kinda random, but you're really pretty too.

O'Angel: *blushes and looks down* Oh, t-thanks.

Todd: *tilts her chin up so she's looking at him, then he slowly kisses her on the cheek*

O'Angel: *blushes like crazy* N-not that I'm complaining, but what was that?

Todd: *laughs nervously while trying to hide the fact that he's blushing* Sorry. Couldn't help it. You're really cute and I kinda like you....

O'Angel: *smiles and blushes* Well, maybe I like you too.

*just then, everyone else comes running up to them*

Olympia: O'Angel! I'm so so sorry about what I said! I didn't mean any of it, I was just upset! But I still had no right to say that, and I'm sorry. You're not a villain, you're a great agent.

Todd: *looks over at O'Angel* Told ya.

O'Angel: *giggles*

Otis: Yeah, and I'm sorry too, for even starting this whole thing. I hope you can forgive me.

O'Angel: It's ok, Olympia. I forgive you. And you too, Otis.

Olympia: So will you please come back to the squad?

O'Angel: Of course I will!

Oprah: *hands her her badge back* Here, this is yours, agent, O'Angel.

O'Angel: Thanks, Ms O. *puts badge back on.

Oscar: Whew, glad everything worked out.

Oona: Yeah, so am I!

Oprah: And O'Angel, we can help you learn to control your powers better so you can use it to help out on missions if you want.

O'Angel: Sure, thanks!

Oprah: And thanks, Todd for talking to O'Angel.

Todd: Not a problem, Ms O. My pleasure.

Me: Ok then. Let's get back to the squad shall we?

Everyone: Yeah!

Me: Dare, or whatever that was, done!

A/n: Hope you guys enjoyed this dare! Wow, I rly enjoyed writing this idea out! So thank you CinnamonRole07 for requesting this! Hope you enjoyed! 😘💖💖💖💖

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