dare 142 (part 3)

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Ohana (as Rapunzel): Hello down there!

Oswald (as the prince): Hello up there, beautiful lady!

Ohana: *Blushes* Who are you?

Oswald: I am the prince of the kingdom of.... um.... *Whispers to Opal backstage* what kingdom is it?

Opal: *whispers back* Um.... the kingdom of odd squad?

Oswald: Oh, um the kingdom of odd squad!

Ohana: Hi, I'm Rapunzel!

Oswald: Rapunzel? As in princess Rapunzel with the really long hair?

Ohana: Yes! That's me! I'm stuck in this tower, could you maybe help me out? *Giggles*

Oswald: Why of course! Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair! And I shall climb up to the tower and save you!

Ohana: *Lets down her long hair*

Oswald: *Climbs up into the tower and uses a float-inator gadget so can both float down out of the tower*

Ohana: Wow, it's so beautiful out here! Thank you so much for saving me!

Oswald: Of course, my lady. You know, your parents, the king and queen have been looking for you for a long time. I can take you back to them if you like.

Ohana: Oh my gosh, yes! Thank you! You're my hero. *She hugs him*

Oswald: My pleasure, Ohana.... Um I mean Rapunzel. I know we just met, but I really like you, Rapunzel. Will you be my girlfriend?

Ohana: Yes! I like you too! *She kisses him on the cheek and he blushes and kisses her on the cheek*

Ohana: *Smiles and blushes*

*They go back to the palace to meet her parents*

Otis (as Rapunzel's dad): *Sees Rapunzel and the prince walk in* Rapunzel, is that you?

Ohana: Yes it's me! Hi dad, hi mom!

Oona (as Rapunzel's mom): Oh my goodness, yes! My daughter Rapunzel! We missed you so much and we're so glad you're back! Thank you so much kind prince for bringing her back.

Oswald: No problem at all, ma'am.

*They all group hug*

Opal: And scene!

Everyone: *Cheers*

Oprah: Wow, what a great play! Bravo, bravo!

Ohana: *Turns to Oswald* You were really good at playing the prince. I- I really like you, Oswald.

Oswald: I like you too, Ohana. *Blushes slightly*

Ohana: *Smiles and blushes and kisses Oswald on the cheek, making him blush*

Oswald: So, you wanna go on an ice cream date?

Ohana: Sure!

Me: Awww! So cute!

Ohana and Oswald: *Blush*

Me: Ok, dare done!

A/n: Hope you guys liked this dare! Thx again Blehfan105 for requesting this 3 parter dare! Hope you liked it!! 😘💖💖💖💖

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