dare 165

114 2 18

Me: Ok, here's a dare for me to use the limitless power to make Oswald, Ohana, Orla and Oscar to switch bodies but not tell them it's a dare!

Oona: Ooh, this is gonna be crazy!!

Me: I know! Ok let's do this I guess. *Walks up to Oswald, Ohana, Orla and Oscar and uses the limitless power to make them switch bodies*

(A/n: Now this is gonna get confusing lol so just roll with it ok? Lol 😂)

Ohana (switched with Orla): Whoa, what's going on? *Looks down at her outfit* Why do I look like Orla? And why do I sound like Orla?

Orla (switched with Ohana): And it seems that I now look like Ohana. And I also sound quite a lot like Ohana. In fact, I sound exactly like Ohana.

Me: Yeah, that's cuz I kinda used the limitless power to make you two switch bodies.

Ohana: What?!

Orla: I find this very weird.

Ohana: Who gave you the idea to do that?!

Me: Um....

Oswald (switched with Oscar): Um that doesn't explain why I look like Oscar though. And sound like Oscar. And I'm dressed like Oscar.

Oscar (switched with Oswald): Yeah, and I look like Oswald!

Me: Well, I kinda made you two switch bodies too.

Oswald: What?! Why would you do that?

Me: Ok, it was a dare. I wasn't supposed to tell you it was a dare tho, sooo yeah.

Ohana: Can you change us back? This is getting confusing.

Me: Yup!

Oona: Good, cuz this is really confusing. Which one of them is actually Oscar again?

Me: *Points to Oscar who looks like Oswald now*

Oona: Ok, yeah change them back please.

Me: *Laughs* Ok. *Uses the limitless power to change them all back to normal*

Ohana: Oh, thank goodness!

Oscar: That's more like it.

Orla: I am pleased that we are back to normal. I did not like that dare very much.

Oswald: Same here.

Me: Ok, dare done!

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