Chapter 33 - Koichi's Birthday

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Koichi loves outer space too much, so your parent holds the party at night when he can see the stars. The back garden turns into the party's venue. Black and gold balloons symbolize the night sky and the stars floating everywhere. It's a very unusual party for a newly turned-eleven-year-old birthday, but then again, Koichi is an unusual kid—in a good way. 

You wore your black, off-shoulder top and skirt, and go with natural makeup. Curling your hair for tonight's occasion. The party has been going on for a while and you can hear the murmur of the guests from your room. When you have done getting dressed and get out of your room, Terushima apparently just done dressing and comes out of the guest room at the same time as you. He wears black trousers that match his shirt, and an immaculate black suit jacket. A truly rare sight for you.

"Wow" Terushima halts when he sees you, "you..." Terushima breathe, "you make me want to compliment you"

"Is that supposed to make me feel flattered?" you respond hesitantly. You know he must mean well but it is still such an odd compliment.

"Yes?" He hesitant as well

"Just... let's go to the party" You walk down the stairs while Terushima follows behind. Once you get out, people stand around in a cluster, chattering, some can be seen holding a plate of snacks in their hands. Children around Koichi's age run around, some of them play in the gold bouncy house, while a few gather around a big telescope that has been prepared out here for the party's entertainment.

"oh, there they are!" Your mother's voice makes you turn your attention to her, "(F/n), Yuuji, come here"

"That's Uncle Yasuhiro and aunt Asako—Mom's cousin and his wife" you whisper to Terushima for quick information as the two of you head to your mother.

"Ah, so this is the Terushima's boy" uncle Yasuhiro speaks first,

"What a cute couple. We're sorry we couldn't make it to your wedding" then aunt Asako chimes in,

"It's okay," Terushima answers and they continue to make small talk. You're not really in the mood for that, moreover, they are more curious about Terushima so you look away to scan the event. When you almost see every corner of the party you see Kuroo sits not too far from you. He sits with three of your second cousins, they go to Nekoma too, and because Kuroo has been around your family for a long time, they know Kuroo very well at this point.

"What is your plan after high school?" that's the question you hear from aunt Asako when you focus back on the conversation.

"umm..." Terushima tries to answer. You know how uncomfortable that question could be and knowing Terushima, he probably doesn't have any plan after graduation, also you haven't eaten anything yet this evening, you thought it's the right time to get away from her. You grab Terushima's wrist and tug him away.

"Sorry aunt Asako, we're starving, talk to you later," you say as you get further away. You can only hear aunt Asako says 'but'.

"She asks a lot of questions"  Terushima let out a sigh, "I get a little dizzy from all her questions"

"she just warming up" you chuckle softly as you arrive at the buffet table.

After you and Terushima fill the plates with the food, you take Terushima to the table where Kuroo sits.

"What is he doing here?" Terushima scowls after he found Kuroo's figure.

"His family and my family knew each other for... a long time, I don't know, since I was younger than Koichi maybe. You'll find him at the family's party a lot. So... try to be nice, okay?" You try to make him understand that he probably won't stop running into Kuroo from now on as long as he is part of your family.

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