Chapter 23 - Home

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"Tadaima~," you say as you enter the house.


You jump a little when you see Terushima reply to you at a close distance. He's sitting on the wooden floor a few steps from the door, seemingly just coming home himself. He still wearing his volleyball team jacket, currently unravel his shoelaces.

"Watanabe not coming back with you?" Terushima asks without looking.

"He's not coming back again"

"Really? Why?" He begins to take off his shoes.

"Something about us being grown-ups and independent."

"Oh," he says without expression before begin again "You come home earlier than I thought"

"you think so? I thought three days is too long" you wonder as you take off your shoes while standing, propping yourself using your suitcase. You catch the sight of his face when you put your shoes on the rack. He doesn't look really good, the color in his face fading, his lips pale pink and chapped.

"You look better" Terushima comments when he finally looks up at you.

"You look awful"

He chuckles weakly, "come on now, I just got back from practice, what do you expect"

"No, I mean it. Are you okay?" You worry.

"I'm fine" He smiles rigidly and stands up. When he picks up his bag from the floor, it falls from his grip just after a second.

"Doesn't seem like you're fine tho" You raise an eyebrow

He just grabs his bag again and walking upstairs into his room. You walking quietly behind him and into your own room. After you put away your clothes from the suitcase into your wardrobe, You descend again to get a warm bath. After a bath, your stomach growl. You make a beeline to the kitchen. When you open the refrigerator there are only water bottles, lemons, and a cucumber. You close the refrigerator door again with a sigh. 'thanks a lot Watanabe' you grumble inside your head to Watanabe for not leaving any food behind but then You remember Watanabe usually stacked cup noodles in the cabinets so You open the upper kitchen cabinets, and it's empty.

'Seriously?' You sigh. You decided to order food online. When you're about to get your phone you see the trash is full of emptied cup noodles.

'Oh' now you know where all the noodles go. You quickly shrug it off and continue to tap on your phone to open the app, you remember Terushima just got home and probably hasn't eaten yet.

"Terushima, I'm ordering for dinner, what do you want to eat?" You wait for a moment but there's no answer so you call again, "Terushima?"

You thought he was never the picky one, he never complains about the foods that Watanabe and Tachibana have prepared every mealtime so he probably eats anything you buy for him. Instead of calling out for him again you just order for two people. After done ordering, you throw yourself on the sofa and turn on the TV but playing with your phone. As usual, Terushima's cat--Penelope jumps in front of the TV and makes herself comfortable. There were twenty minutes passed before the food arrives.

"Terushima, the food's here" you call loudly than before as you put down the food on the dining table. He didn't answer again. You click your tongue, annoyed that he didn't answer you three times. You decide to go to his room as you grumble inside your head.

"Terushima-" you call as you open the door but immediately stop when you see the sight of him sleeping in a very uncomfortable position. He curls up crossway his bed, still wearing the yellow jacket.

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