Chapter 19 - Eventful

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"Wah~ that was fun" you stretch up as you walk out of the cinema. The sun is ready to set in the west when the movie's over. After you found out that Terushima has extra pocket money specifically to spend it with you, you kind of threaten him to get you whatever you want ( for today at least) otherwise, you'd be his AND his cat's worst nightmare only after that he cooperates nicely--actually after you bring up his cat to be precise.  

"it was better than I thought" Terushima agree as he following behind you, "why wouldn't he just do it tho, in the end".

"Would you?" You respond to him, "if you were him?"

Terushima lost in thought, "Hmm... not sure"

"What should we do next?" you stop and turn to him.

"eh?" Terushima is taken aback, "you still want to go? Let's just go home, I'm tired, we already out all day" he waves you off.

"Oh come on" you whine.

"There's still a lot of next weekends" he turns you around and pushes you toward the parking lot.

"You're not trying to trick me so you get the money for yourself, aren't you?" You tilt your head up so you can see his face that towering above you. 

"No," he says flatly, still walking behind you while pushes you. "I won't get the end of it from you if I do that,"

"Oo...kay" you say half believing him.

Once you arrive at the parking lot, Terushima giving you the shopping bags and your helmet before he putting on his helmet and starts to mount the two-wheeled vehicle. As you waiting for Terushima to be ready completely, you scan your surrounding. There's only one person walking across the street, a girl, and two guys hanging near an alley. The girl walking along the sidewalk toward where the guys are. They have been watching the girls as though a predator won't look away from their prey. You notice that they make eye contact before the girl turns her eyes to the ground. That sight is too easy to guess what would happen next, but you still hopeful that you are wrong so you keep watching them quietly. What happens next is, the girl being halt on her way by the two guys. She looks like she says something before trying to walk away from them, but the guys keep getting in her way. They seem to have a conversation while the guys slowly cornering the girl. 

A situation where one vs two or more always manages to boil your blood, no matter what their gender is. Even though you want to punch those guys so bad, you don't really want to play the hero because every time you do that; trouble always follows and you really like your life lately--a trouble-free life. You look around hoping that someone notices and helps the girl but the road probably got deserted an hour ago. People prefer to be at home at night around this area. A very slow five seconds pass as you waiting for someone to show up but to no avail. You sigh as you know there's no other choice. You put down the paper bags on your left-hand and the helmet on your right hand at the same time. After your hands are free, you proceed to cross the street and continue toward the alley where the girl being pushed back.

"Do you need help?" you ask with an unwavering voice while your eyes look straight into the girl's eyes.

"yes," the girl let out a tremble plead.

You just walk fast to her to grab her wrist and tugging her away from the alley.

"Oi," one of the guys quickly get a hold of the girl's other hand, tugging her back. The poor girl whimper in pain from the harsh treatment. You waste no time to maneuver your way to free her hand. You grip the guy's wrist without holding back your strength and twist his hand around his back. He groans and unable to move. The other guy steps in a quick move. You move as fast as him. You push the first guy away to deal with the second. Because his height is not so far from you, you just swing your elbow upward and hitting his nose hard. He falls back while holding his bloody nose, suffering in pain.

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