Chapter 37 - First Attempt

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Before dinner, Terushima acts rather stiff around you, and you find that interesting. You rarely care where you sit at dinner, but because you want to see more of his reaction, you purposely choose to sit next to him. At first, he doesn't give a glance and act as usual, but when you started your plan to tease him, it becomes amusing. You've been trying to find excuses in your head to get closer to Terushima. When you see the salt container a few inches from him, you know what you're going to do. You lean your body toward the salt and, of course, become awfully close to Terushima's face. He flinches in surprise and accidentally drops his fork on the floor. It landed with a loud clank and drew everyone's attention.

"You okay?" You play innocent.

"Uh-hm" he tightly closes his jaw as he retakes his fork from the floor and puts it aside on the table. Everyone continues with their meals unaware of your inner celebration, 'first attempt: succeed'. The next day, after breakfast, you stand up right away and take light steps toward the door and stop when Terushima questions you, "where are you going?"

"I'm going for a walk." you lift your shoulders carelessly.

"I told you not going anywhere without me" he reminds you of what he said yesterday.

"Come with me then" you smile and walk away. Terushima rubs his face in annoyance but follows after you regardless. 'Whoa... it works like a charm' you hum inside your head when you can hear him walking behind you.

Because it's summer, you like wearing a light dress whose length doesn't reach your knees. You have numerous mini dresses with pastel colors like the one you currently wear. You just love it so much when the wind dances around you while you walk bare feet through the garden, it makes you feel like nature itself hugging you lovingly. But, you never thought that the thing you love to do so much changed drastically because of one person following you behind. Your back is heavy as you can feel Terushima's gaze falls on you. The confidence you have a while ago starting to fade away. 'What were you thinking asking him to come along with you' you scold yourself.

And then you start to wonder what is he thinking right now? how his face looks like right now? You thought that it was better to face him right now than just walking with high levels of nervousness and curiosity. This walk's purpose is to tease him, you remind yourself. You abruptly turn to him without stopping, making small steps back, walking through the garden in reverse. Terushima stops for a moment as his body jolts in surprise but it is quick to back at normal and he continues to follow you at a slow pace like before. You have the time cathing him staring at your bare feet in the grass before he looks at your face.

"What?" You start first.

"You're not wearing your shoes again" he murmurs as his eyes slid down to your feet again.

"I like it" you shrug still taking small steps backward

"Strange" his tone is hard to decipher what's the meaning behind it and his face not showing any specific emotion. He was silent after that.

"You've been wearing dresses since we got here" he speaks again.

"What of it?" you cock your head.

"It's too short" this time his face scrunch up in dismay.

"You don't like it?" You stop in your track and put your hands behind your back as if you want to show him a clear view of your beautiful dress. Because you stop so suddenly Terushima still taking steps before he stops too, it makes the distance between the two of you awfully close. You have to look up to see his face. You only exchange stares with him. Even though there's no word said at all, the situation doesn't turn awkward. You feel like you don't have to push yourself to say something too. There are only sounds of foliage rustling when the breeze swirls around you two. 

"I like it... but I don't like it if someone else sees it" his answer surprise you a little.

"Why?" you question.

"Because anyone on my height can have a look at your breast" he deadpan as he looks down from your eyes to the cleavage in your chest.

You instantly cover your chest with your hands and whip around. Your dress did show too much skin, but not the type that gives a sensual vibe, it was radiating freshness and innocent. And it wrapping your curve perfectly. Obviously, You never thought of what it looks like from above, you only know that it looks good on you in the mirror.

"You're the only one who dares to look directly at it" you grumbles trying to throw some shame on him for staring at a lady's chest. But of course, shame won't work on him. Your words only gave him a mischievous idea.

He bends toward you from behind and whispers in your ear, "I better be the only one or they can't even see the daylight again"

Your breath hitch as your cheeks feels like it's burning. You feel embarrassed as something clicks in your head: it always excites you every time he shows domination. You hastily walk forward as if you could leave the thought behind. But you can't go far when he catches your left hand.

"Slow down" he laughs.

You stop for a quick moment without turning around before continuing to take a walk slowly. Terushima keeps his hand wrapped around your small hand as he follows behind. You lightly drag him through the garden. When you stop under the tallest tree in the garden Terushima lets go of your hand. You shift to lay down on the grass. Terushima watches carefully until you settle. He let out a disbelief laugh before he follows you to lay down.

"What are we looking at?" His eyes searched above.

"The skies" you hum.

Terushima didn't say anything after hearing your answer. He quietly mimics you, looking at the skies. After a long moment watching the skies, your eyes heavy. Every sound around you feels like a lullaby in your ear. After fighting the drowsy feeling for five seconds, you surrender and close your eyes. You're not aware of another pair of eyes that has stopped watching the skies and turned his gaze toward you instead. Terushima smiles as he witnesses the way you struggle to keep your eyes open.

When you stir awake, you can feel the air is colder and the ground is softer. With eyes still refusing to open you use your hands to feel why the ground beneath you is so soft. Being half asleep make You still in a puzzle and can't figure out what it is, you can't even remember where you are before falling asleep. After a while, you open your eyes, you're in your bed inside your room with the air conditioner on.

You sit up and blink to look around. There's no one else in your room. You see your phone on the nightstand beside the bed and quickly grab it. The time shows it's already noon. You put down your phone and swing down your legs off your bed. When you get out of your room, Watanabe walks up the stairs. He stops when he sees you, turns out he only walking upstairs to inform you that lunch is ready.

You yawn and nod at him. As you walk down the stairs, you glance outside and remember you were taking a walk with Terushima in the garden this morning before you fell asleep. You were asleep under the tree. You wonder how did you end up in your room. When you arrive at the dining room, the people who arrived first are Terushima and Koichi, they playing their favorite online game together.

"How did I get to my room?" You ask Terushima nonchalantly as you plop down beside him.

"Who else dares to touch you?" Terushima retorts with a cocky smirk on his face.

You remember what he whispers in your ear this morning, and your cheeks blush lightly. Thank god your mind is distracted when your mother step inside the room, otherwise you are sure you can't control your blush any longer.

'Today's plan to get some fun from him is clearly failed' you slap your head mentally.

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