Chapter 40 - The Soothing Silence

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It's four in the morning when you wake up again and Terushima is nowhere in the room. You feel your skin is sticky, and it doesn't feel good at all. You take a quick warm shower before you wear your dress from this afternoon. After showering, you linger around the bathroom cabinet. Manly shampoo and facial wash lined up untidily. You smell the shampoo and Terushima's figure immediately pops up in your head, your lips curls upward without you realizing.

When you are out of the bathroom, your eyes land on the bed. Images of your intercourse with Terushima flash through your mind. It still feels unreal what you did with him. Waking up without him makes everything like a dream. Only Terushima's dark and quiet room can remind you of your moment with him. You try to remember little detail to make sure it wasn't just a dream, but the more detail you imagine, the more you feel hot. You shake your head and hurry out of the room. The hallway is dark, and you can't hear any sound. You were about to go to your own room to change into more comfortable clothes and get some more sleep, but your eyes catch a slit of light from the second floor's living room.

You tip-toed toward the door. Carefully listening to the sound from inside. It's very faint, but it sounds like someone talking. When you look inside, the TV is on, and someone is sitting on the sofa. It's a little hard to figure out since whoever watches it, didn't turn on the light.

"What the hell are you doing standing in the dark like that? ," you can hear Terushima's voice, he sounds startled.

"Sorry" you snort out a laugh,

"Come here" he calls, "you must be hungry, I made some sandwich"

You saunter to him using the light from the tv to navigate your way. On the coffee table, you can see a pile of sandwiches, maybe three or four stacks. Terushima's eyes back to the TV and he continues to eat the sandwich in his hand. You take a place beside him, help yourself with the sandwich. At first, everything is normal but as time goes by and you finish your sandwich, your mind started to travel back to this early evening.

You wonder how can he act as if nothing happen. Was that normal for him? Did he do it with other girls a lot, or... regularly? You shake your head silently. Thinking about things like that doesn't do any good to you, you thought to yourself.

"What's wrong with you?" Terushima's voice makes you realize that you've been staring blankly at the table.

"Nothing" you shake your head, "still sleepy... I guess..."

"Let's go back to bed then"

Your face feels warm, "...together?"

"Of course, let me just clean this up. You can go ahead to my room" he stands up and take the empty plate with him and disappear out the door.

You hesitantly walk toward Terushima's room and lay down in the bed with your back facing the door. Your heart skip a beat when you hear rustling and the door closed. The bed bounces a little before a muscly forearm wraps around your waist and your back feels warm. You hold your breath for a second, not knowing why.

"Why are you so tense?"

"am not"

"You are, even now"

You let out a harsh breath and turn over to face him, "well, why are you so casual about it, have a lot of practice before? With your... ten exes."

He rolls his eyes, "I never done it with anyone before"


He clicks his tongue as he grabs your hand and puts it over his chest. You gasp lightly when you can feel his heart beating fast.

"Can you feel it?"

You nod.

"We're not that different" he whispers. You let out a silent laugh as you turn your back against him. "Shut up" he shifts to wraps his arm around you again.

"And I don't have ten exes" he adds as he closes his eyes.

"More or less?"



He snorts, "less"


"shh..." he covers your face with his hand, "go to sleep"

"It's fiv--mph"

His hand moves to tightly cover your mouth and scoot closer to whisper to you, "the fact that I'm here, holding you, it makes none of them important. Now go to sleep."

You sigh. He's right, they're not important and you don't want to ruin your mood right now. It's finally quiet. The quiet is more than just what the ears can hear. It's quiet inside your head too. The way he holds you firmly make your muscle at ease. You've been at war for years with your family, denying the destiny they prepared for you. Cursing the year where you were born. But right now, this is not bad. This warm embrace is not bad. If before this what's inside your head was like a raging sea, now it's like vast calm water. You don't want to fill your head with unnecessary thoughts. Your fingertips move to caress Terushima's forehand in front of your chest. It feels strange how your body fits together like this, as though you meant to be for this moment. Your head is clouded with the closeness of his body, it makes your eyes heavy and drifted to sleep.

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