Chapter 9 - New Households

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Your eyes twitch as You watch the wedding photo that hung on the wall by Terushima's mother this morning

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Your eyes twitch as You watch the wedding photo that hung on the wall by Terushima's mother this morning. You want to take it down so badly and burn it to the bottom of hell, but the said woman still present in the house, currently having a small talk with Watanabe and Tachibana. Burning it right now would be impossible so You decided just pretend it didn't exist and stroll out to the porch. You sit on the outdoor chair, watching as a few stranger guys carrying brown boxes inside your house. It's just a couple of days ago you were married, and back home again yesterday because you have school tomorrow.

Your parent and Terushima's parent think it would be best for you and him to live together since you are husband and wife, aaand to get along more. But not to sleep in the same room yet, Terushima will sleep in the extra room that has been vacant since you move here two years ago. And so, today is, moving day for Terushima.

After a while, you hear rumblings of a machine. A black and red, sports motorcycle park in front of your house and you already know it's him, Terushima. You know it really well because he always rides that bike to school, except when he looks like he has a hangover, he would take a bus to school and you would meet him at the last intersection on the street to Johzenji.

Terushima gets off his motorcycle and takes off his black, full-face helmet. Your eyes flicker to the back seat of his bike, there's a big, plastic box tied on it with small windows and bars. It's a portable cage.

"Oh no," you murmur, "what is that?" You ask Terushima once he steps up the porch.

"This?" He raises the box in his hand, "my baby, Penelope... say hi penny"

You look closely inside the box, it's a flatted, brown face, himalayan cat with blue eyes and is hissing viciously at you

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You look closely inside the box, it's a flatted, brown face, himalayan cat with blue eyes and is hissing viciously at you.

"Aww" Terushima coos, "look at that... she hates you... good girl," Terushima talk to his cat.

"The hates is equal" you narrow your eyes at the cat,

"Good," he walks past you and into the house,

"If it ever makes trouble, I will throw it away" you cross your hands over your chest

"She's a darling, she makes less trouble than you" Terushima sneers.

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