Chapter 25 - A Thought

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"(F/n)..." you heard a whisper in your sleep.

"(F/n)..." they appear again.

On the third time, your eyes snap open. You startle when you see Terushima's mother standing by the bed, "Mom?"

"Sshh" she put her index finger over her puckered lips, "let's not waking him up"

You look at Terushima, he still curls up facing you, unmoving, eyes closed. You remember now, you read out from your novel for Terushima. After a page, he falls asleep. You follow him to sleep not too long.

"I bring some food, come out for a sec" Terushima's mother walking out of the room. Sitting up, you see that Terushima's hand still holding to yours while he sleeps. You move very slowly to free your hand and walk out of the room, not forgetting to close the door behind you carefully.

"How do you get in?" You question Terushima's mother when you sit in the dining chair. She's busy taking out food containers from a bag.

"The door is unlocked" she answers before momentarily looking at you, "Don't turn that as a habit" she scolds you and then nagging about how you and her son are so careless, and both of you lucky that it's her who's coming in. Of course that was only the points among personal experience, some neighbor's experience, the neighbor's friend experience, she talks for god-knows how long.

"Why are you here?" You ask when she finally stops talking about someone's grandmother who forgot to lock the door and what happened to her as an aftermath.

"Oh, I got worried. Yuuji's dad told me... and I know my son, he could be really troublesome when he's sick"

You laugh silently, knowing very much now how Terushima acts when he's sick.

"But now that I came here and found you beside him, I know it was unnecessary of me worrying" she takes out the last container, "Thank you for taking care of Yuuji"

"It's nothing." You stare far. You're thinking about a lot of things in a quick second--of how Terushima taking care of you too all this time, worry about you. Even it's not as romantic as a movie and there's a moment in your life with him that drives you crazy, but he always takes you as his responsibility, since the very beginning of your marriage. You smile as images of him offering you a plate of sushi while you reject it rudely flashes in your mind. You just not aware of it because you never stopped and appreciate it. 

Terushima's mother beams, "I'm so glad he has you"

"you are?" you look at her for a moment before casting your gaze down,  "seriously, it's nothing" you're not sure why you did what you did. Is it out of guilt? or did you actually start to do your role as a wife? Your stomach tickles a little bit as you thought about taking care of him as his wife

"You thought it was nothing," Terushima's mother breaking your thought, "but, it's only the beginning anyway..."

"beginning...?" you try to figure out what she means,

Terushima's mother then reaches for your hand, "we both know you and Yuuji start everything unlike a normal person; meet, fall in love, married, living together. You and Yujii, go through it backward. But it doesn't matter because everything will still take its own place eventually. Yuuji and you are still young, you have a lot of time, so don't worry, no need to rush anything"

You look at her in silence as a line of questions forms in your mind; Eventually? how long this eventually will show up though. Will it ever shows up? what if it doesn't? what will happen to you and Terushima if it never shows itself? are both of you going to stuck together without the 'eventually'? You create a short scenario in your head living together with him without any single growing romantic feeling until you both tired of each other and giving up. Somehow, your shoulders droop at the scenario.

"Mom?" Terushima walks down the stairs. His hair still tousled from sleep and his eyes struggle to stay wide open.

"Oh hey, honey" Terushima's mother cheers while You look up at him, "how you feel?"

"Better... I think..." Terushima scratches his head. As he and his mother having a 'mother & son' talk, you watch him carefully. You continue your deep thought and imagining your life without him. There's a faint feeling--which you wouldn't admit, you don't like it when you imagine your life without him. Life has been far from 'plain' since you knew him. In your opinion, it will become such a dull life without him.

"I brought some food too," Terushima's mother tap on the food container before she stands up. You shake your head mentally to get back to the moment.

"Well then, I'll go home now." she announces before she kisses her son, "Get enough rest please, Yuuji, will you?"

"Yeah, don't worry about me" Terushima assures his mother and Terushima's mother then kissing your cheek as well, "bye, (F/n)"

"Bye..." you smile

"Take care of each other, okay" she takes her purse before heading toward the door.

"Be careful on your way" Terushima reminds his mother before he takes a seat where his mother sits before.

"And don't forget to lock the door" she yells out from the door before you hear a click and then silent.

All your thought is gone completely when you see him. His face look has more colors now and you feel a slight relief at the sight of him but, you need to make sure that he's fine so You watching him until he settles before pressing the back of your hand on his cheek. His movement halt when you do this and a dusty pink spreads across his cheeks.

"That feels a lot better" you bobbed your head, confirming to yourself.

He hums an agreement. It took a second before he looks away and clears his throat "I'm hungry."

You let out a soft, lazy laugh, "of course you are. I'll prepare the food"

"thanks" he murmurs 

"thanks" he murmurs 

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