Chapter 36 - New Discovery

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"But we just going to the beach. There are hundreds of people there. What could they do?" you've been arguing with your father for the god knows how long. 

"No is no, (F/n)" says your father without looking up at you. He's been busy looking down at some document for an hour. Ever since the incident on Koichi's birthday—five days ago happened, none of your family members could go out of the house. In fact, your father has declared a regulation to not go anywhere for the rest of the summer holiday or at least until the culprit who infiltrated Koichi's birthday party is arrested.

"Mom" You whine to your mother, who currently playing word scramble with Koichi.

"what your father says, (F/n)" says your mother as she put down the last letter on her word, "your turn Koichi"

"Just kill me," Koichi sprawl on the sofa, one leg dangling weakly. His favorite mobile game is currently under maintenance and it will go on all day. It made him walk around the house like a confused NPC until your mother forces him to play with her.

"Yuuji" this time you call Terushima for back up but to no avail.

"Knock it off (F/n), you're not going anywhere" states Terushima as he lazily watches the TV. Everyone lounges around the living room after breakfast. It was fine at first, you read some books, and then watched some morning tv shows, but after a couple of hours, the boredom already enveloped you. The thought of 'on a summer holiday with a bright sky outside but stuck inside of a house' makes you restless.

you glare at Terushima, "you just like my father"

"Why thank you-" Says Terushima leisurely

"Old and boring" you add immediately, Terushima and your father give an unamused face at you at the same time.

You walk out of the living room and out into the garden. As a habit of yours, you lay down on the grass. Just as you get comfortable, your phone ring. It's a video call from Kuroo.

"What a nice day" is the first thing you hear from Kuroo after you pick up the call. He uses the back camera and shows you the view of a beach and a cocktail in his hand.

"Jerk," you say clearly near the speaker on your phone before you hung up the call. Kuroo is the one who invites you for a day on a beach with him and his college friends. You thought being at home for days will make your father change his mind but no, turns out he became the head of the police for a reason; he has unwavering commitment or you like it better to call it; stubborn.

"Don't wander off alone out here" Terushima figure appears in your field of vision.

"There are guards everywhere" you throw your hands.

"Get inside" he ignores what you say.

"No" you roll away.

"Get. Inside." He says sternly.

"You can't make me" you stick out your tongue.

"I can," he says flatly, "and I am very confident about it"

Your face falls. Despite his relaxed expression, you know he's serious, that guy is crazy and he would do anything to get what he wants. You get up instantly and run away from him.

"Okay" he stretches up with a mischievous smirk on his face.

He runs after you after a few seconds and easily catches up to you. You yelp but can't help to laugh when he wraps his hands around you. "If you get caught this easy. Then you're not going anywhere without me from now on" 

"Pff I let you catch me," you say smugly.

"Yeah? Try to get away from me then"

You squirm to get free but his grip is strong and there's not much space to move.

"Today (f/n)" he taunts

"just warming up" you grunt, having a hard time pulling his hand. You have to admit it, his body is very well built. You make an attempt to unbind his grip a couple more times but end up in a failure.

"cute" Terushima chimes in a flat tone.

"ck" his remark touches a nerve. You have decided to no longer play 'cute'. You use your whole weight to slam him down—your intention anyway. You manage to slightly lift him from the ground but when you try to slam him, he quickly gets a better footing and props himself steadily.

"You think I will let that happen twi-" Terushima speak but before he could finish, at the exact moment, you push back your body. He was focusing on not falling forward that's why when you push back he's in a vulnerable position. He falls back with you still in his hold but when his body crushes the ground, his grip on you is loose. As he grunts and whimpers in pain, you take the chance to escape.

"Ha! I'm free!" you roll off of him and try to get up but Terushima moves faster than you and pin you down on the ground, both of his hands holding your hand firmly above your head while his leg straddling your body.

"That really hurt" Terushima grits his teeth, trying to hold onto his patience, "and you're still not free, You just piss me off".

"what can you do in this position? once you let go of my hand I'm just going to punch you" you belittling him.

"oh there's a lot of things that I can do first before you could punch me" he leans down and whispers in your ear, "and there's nothing you could do to stop me unless I wanted to"

His warm breath that blows over your ear and his lips that softly graze your skin when he speaks, makes you shudder and the feeling is addictive. Your heart beating loud and soon it makes your blood rush to your cheeks.

Terushima lean back again, leaving only a few inches from your face "So could you please be good and do as I say?"

You wouldn't admit it even to yourself but you like this kind of tension with him. If you obey him immediately, it would end up right here, right now. Besides, it was boring inside the house anyway, you could take some time to enjoy this.

You raise your head slightly so you could position your lips beside Terushima's ear, and whisper to him sensually, "make me"

This time Terushima turn to shudder. You grin defiantly at his reaction and it excites you more. You lay back your head in the grass, eyes looking straight at his brown eyes.

His eyes narrow dangerously but his lips are smirking, "you dare to defy your husband?"

You didn't say anything and the defiant look doesn't disappear from your face.

"What should I do to make you do as I say?" He asks himself, "should I start giving you punishment every time you're disobedient?"

Your heart racing wildly at his words. And just when you thought it couldn't beat any faster, you see Terushima's eyes flickers to your lips.

"what are they doing?" Koichi's voice breaks the tension. You and Terushima look up at the same time. Your brother and mother apparently decided to get out of the house as well.

"Who knows" your mother narrows her eyes, "whatever it is, they better stay PG13 out here"

Terushima let you go awkwardly and sit back. He doesn't move for a while as he looks away. You can't see his face, but you don't completely disappoint when your eyes caught on his ears that turn red.

"Get inside" Terushima commands rather quietly.

You giggles as you stand up. 'It's fun' you thought as you skips steps to your house like a little kid just found a new toy to play with.

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