Chapter 31 - Not Wednesday

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The next day, you are back eating in the cafeteria with Kana and Mei. Your arranged marriage is still the hot topic between the three of you. After buying food, you dawdling to a table near the window with Kana and Mei. When you just settle down, too busy talking to touch your food or even pay attention to your surrounding, suddenly, someone puts down a tray. The sound startled you and make you look up in a quick move. Your eyes meet with Terushima's hazel eyes. He flashes his charming smirk before he sits down beside you. Before you could utter anything, someone else puts down their tray. You tear your eyes away from Terushima and see Kazuma stands beside Kana.

"Hello," Kazuma smile politely, "Mind if we join in?"

Kana who is still dumbfounded, mouth hanging ajar, glances at Mei. She frowns, confuse but smiling nevertheless, "uh... no," she says as she looks back at Kazuma. There's one more boy who joins the table, you never talk to him before, let alone knew his name. He drags one more chair for him to sit.

"Hey, I'm Futamata Takeharu" he introduces himself. His gesture apparently makes everyone on the table realize they do not introduce themselves yet.

"I'm Bobata Kazuma" Kazuma grin sheepishly.

"Amano Kana"

"Hiraoka Mei"

"I'm Terushima by the way," Terushima briskly wave at Kana and Mei,

"we know" Kana and Mei speak at the same time.

You look up at Takeharu, planning to introduce yourself but he cut you off, "I'm-"

"Mrs. Terushima" Takeharu nods and grinned playfully.

You smile before look at Terushima again, "why are you here?"

"Having lunch with you" Terushima shrugs.

"But we already did it yesterday" you state innocently.

Terushima gets himself closer to you so he can talk in undertone but still can be heard by you, "what? Your husband can only have lunch with you on Wednesday?"

You can feel your face heating up slightly. didn't really know what to say. You immediately look around the table, wondering whether anyone seeing speechless-you and a flirtatious-Terushima, but everyone on the table already smirking at you.

Kana and Mei are fascinated by the fact that Terushima's friend knew about the betrothal since they were kids (the boys have been friends since elementary school). Your friends and Terushima's friends have no difficulty getting to know each other. They are pleased with each other presence. Laughter soon can be heard at the table. Halfway done eating, Kana brought up a new topic.

"Did anyone notice that a lot of eyes watching us?" She glances around the table.

"Yeah, since we sit here" Kazuma agrees without looking away from his food.

"Especially Yuuji's exes" Takeharu chuckles.

Since you never pay any attention, you look around the cafeteria and indeed there's a lot of people, girls to be precise, who looking toward the table while whispering among themselves, their eyes directed especially toward you. "how many exes did you have anyway?" You scowl after you realized there is more of angry glare than just a curious stare. Everyone on the table simultaneously answering you.


"Who said ten?!" Terushima snaps and the rest of the table is just snickering, except you. You frown lightly. When you are already bothered by the stares, listening to them listing the number of Terushima's exes didn't help to lighten up your mood.

"Ignore them" Terushima gently grabs your chin to turn your head to face the table again when you still looking around the cafeteria.

"Don't worry Mrs. Terushima," Takeharu jests, "our lunch break last longer than their relationship"

Kazuma, Mei, and Kana snort a laugh. Even you can't contain your smile after hearing Takeharu.

"They probably anxious, looking Terushima Yuuji and (L/n) (F/n) sit at the same table, thinking that the end of the world is near," Kazuma adds to the conversation.

"Yeah" Takeharu laugh, "It feels like yesterday they verbally abuse each other, like, for a whole two years"

"Shut up" even Terushima doesn't know how to get back at that.

You and Terushima become the center of everyone on the table now--probably the whole cafeteria too, but you don't care about that one. Takeharu and Kazuma having too much fun teasing Tarushima. Even though the matter of the talk concern you too, you are enjoying their harmless, sarcastic jokes. It happens for quite sometime before your phone goes off. 

Koichi calling.

'nesan, mom said I can have a birthday party- I can choose the theme- it's on summer holiday so you have to come- is Yuuji-nisan with you?' Koichi blurts out in haste as soon as you pick up the phone.

"whoa, whoa, slow down" You giggle, you can imagine Koichi jumping up and down excitedly just from hearing his voice.

'where are you? are you at school? is he with you right now?'

"yes, I'm at school and yes, he is with me right now."

'can I talk to him?'

"you... want-" you taken aback, pondering since when they on a casual 'can I talk to him' term, "um... yeah, alright" you give the phone to Terushima. 

"Yo," greet Terushima after he takes the phone

You smile while shaking your head when you hear Koichi talking in the same haste tone, 'niisan, mom said I can have a birthday party- I can choose the theme- it's on summer holiday so you have to come!'

You wait patiently for Terushima to finish his conversation with Koichi. When he gives you back your phone you talk some more to Koichi, assuring him that you wouldn't miss your only one little brother's birthday. Once the call is over you look to Terushima, "so... care to explain what happened between you and Koichi?"

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