Chapter 20 - Be There

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Watanabe gave a piece of news about your grandfather. He's in critical condition. As soon as you arrived home, you and Terushima packed for Tokyo. On the whole flight to Tokyo, you keep zoning out, mind wandering somewhere else. It was Terushima who did everything: Taxi to Airport, checking in the flight, tug you to board the plane, find both seats, settled in, order dinner.

When you reach the hospital, your grandfather has through his critical condition. All of your family members already there. Like always, they all sitting in the lounge area inside the room separated from the patient's bed. Your mother smiling at you, you can tell by her smile she hasn't had enough sleep while Your father falls asleep on the sofa. Your brother quietly playing with his phone in the chair across from the sofa. You head to your grandfather right away. Terushima follows you after he puts down his backpack and your suitcase near the door.

Your grandfather lay in the bed with an oxygen tube connected to his nose and an IV tube to his wrist. His chest barely moving. He's sleeping soundly, yet, when you sit in his bed and holding to his hand, he gradually opens his eyes.

"Oh" his raspy old voice shaking, "I've been waiting for you two".

"We came as soon as we can, Granpa"

Your Grandfather's eyes then weakly glancing from you to Terushima who stands behind you.

"Come closer," says your grandfather, "both of you".

You lean closer to your grandfather while Terushima moves to sit on the chair near the bed. With great effort, Your grandfather opens his other hand and asks for Terushima's hand. Once Terushima gives his hand, your grandfather brings it over to your hand. He then cups your and Terushima's hand with both of his hands.

"Are you two okay?" He asks, His eyes repeatedly flicker between your and Terushima's face.

"We..." you're not sure how to answer that, you're okay with everything--for now, but you don't know how Terushima feels about everything. Before you can come up with something, Terushima answers it for you.

"We're getting there, aren't we?" He smiles while his eyes glancing at you,

"yes--" you nod. Your smile is come out too upon seeing his smile, this is the first time for you to see that smile--a sweet and assuring smile, "--We are."

"I know married life isn't easy. I love your grandmother more than anything, but boy, she sure can make me want to punch the wall sometimes" He snorts out a laughs, making you and Terushima mimic him, "but whatever fight that came up in between us, we always tried to not give up at each other. When you really mad at someone, remember why you love them in the first place, and once you remember why, you don't want to give up on them..." Your grandfather give a little squeeze on both of yours and Terushima's hand, "try to... not too quick on giving up on each other, okay?"

"sure, I'll make sure to remember that..." you say,

"Yeah, don't worry about us," says Terushima as well,

"I won't, I know the two of you will work it out just fine" your grandfather smiles, "my... that took a lot of energy than I expected, I will go back to sleep now" your grandfather slowly closes his eyes.

"Sleep well, Granpa" you move to kiss his forehead.

When you lean back, a tear falls off of your eye. Afraid that whatever comes up next will disturb your grandfather, You quietly leave the room and sit on the metal bench in the hospital corridor. Terushima apparently has following you when you leave the bedside. He stands in front of you to wipe out another tear that escapes from your eyes. The more you trying to be strong the more your tears flowing out. You look up to Terushima, your eyes as though speak to him that you can't hold back anymore. Without a word, he pulls your head into his torso and all your tears burst out. He strokes your head kindly as you muffle your soundless cries in his embrace.

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