Chapter 8 - The Intended Two

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"How can you fall asleep still wearing a full kimono like that..."

In your sleep, you vaguely heard Terushima's voice.

"I can't untie the obi " you mumble as Terushima saying something that you can't comprehend in your deep sleep state. You feel a repeatedly tapping on your cheek, but amazingly you can ignore it and continue to sleep.

"get up..." He grabs your hand,

"Leave me alone" you jerk your hand away from him.

"You fell asleep on my futon too..." Terushima clicks his tongue before forcing you to sit upright.

You fell forward into Terushima's chest and can feel his body tense for a moment.

"Take it off..." you murmur,

"W-what?" He stutters,

"Take the kimono off, it's heavy, hot"

"How..." his voice sounds behind your shoulder after he moves your head to rest on his shoulder.

"that thing, that tied around my waist first" you mumble before you snoring lightly.

"would you just wake up, for god's sake" Terushima shakes his shoulder to wake you up, but you still comfortably closing your eyes.

he sighs before an idea pop on his head, "what if I just cut it?"

"I don't care," you respond.

Terushima lay you down again then rummaging every drawer in the room. after a while, you heard metal noises and a rip of fabric.

"so many layers..." He says as he begins to spread open the Kimono's layer one by one after the Obi are out of the way. "there's no end to this..." he grumbles, "how could you still alive walking around in this thing..."

He keeps on rambling. And then, suddenly, he fell silent. You frown before reluctantly opening your eyes to see why he is quiet. Terushima's eyes locked at your chest and you can see a faint blush on his cheeks. you look at your chest as well and just remember that you don't wear anything beneath.

"Kyaaaa!" you cover your breast with your arms as you jolt upright. Your forehead hitting hard on Terushima's nose as a result.

"FUCK!" you and Terushima exclaim at the same time.

"what the fuck" grunt Terushima through a bleeding nose.

"what the fuck is wrong with you!?" you bark as you rub your sore forehead.

"you're the one who naked under the kimono"

"you don't have to stare at it, asshole"

"I'm a straight guy... I see tits, I stare at it. simple." He shrugs, his nose still bleeding and he messily trying to wipe it with his hand. You roll your eyes at him. Even though you still resentful, you can't bear to see he spread his blood everywhere. You put on again the last layer of the kimono and tie the obi--that has been cut--around your waist. You grab the discarded kimono layer to wipe out the blood in his hand and face.

"Why you don't wear anything under anyway? it that some kind of... kink?" he says with a teasing voice.

"What? no, they don't let me, I don't know why" you grumble.

he smirks, "oh, I think I know why...". Terushima pushes you. you fall back on the fluffy futon and being pin down by Terushima.

"What are you doing?" you raise your eyebrows,

"We married this morning, I think you know what comes after..." he purrs, getting ever so close to your face.

"Your nose still bleeding" you deadpan.

He pauses and wipes his nose before back to look at you. He slowly leans down to kiss you. Your heart picking up a beat when his lips brushing lightly against your--



you blink, "I'm hungry..."

"whelp... time to sleep, good night..." he pulls back and slips into the futon.

"wha-what are you doing? don't you fucking dare sleeping..." you shake him, "oi, Terushima, you need to get me some food,"

"go get yourself some food," he pulls the blanket over his head and completely conceals himself, "I already told you to eat this afternoon..."

"you think I will let you sleep? that's cute..." you grab his foot and painstakingly drag him out of the futon, "if you-" you step back with Terushima's foot in your hand, "don't-" Terushima still wrapping himself inside the blanket, one leg sticking out, "--get me. food. I will disturb you all night--


"Itadakimasu" you humming happily as you munching the sandwich Terushima has made for you. He ended up making one for himself and eating it with you in the dim dining room that only illuminated from the kitchen's light.

"It's delicious..." you say after you take another big bite,

"Good, 'cause it's the only thing that I can make..." he says before taking a bite

"hoo~ is that so," You say without taking your eyes away from the sandwich

"Hey, it took my mom months to teach me to make this, she thinks I should at least know how to make one, in case you're sick or something"


"Yeah, you..." says Terushima, "you know, because, we were intended for each other since we weren't even born,"

"Oh, right," you look down, "that sounds really hopeless..."

"It's not like we have someone else in mind anyway, so... it's not that bad, I think," he says quietly and stares unfocus

"Really, no one? Even though you kiss every girl who stands in your range of vision?" you joke as you finish your last bite.

"Besides," Terushima turn to look at you when a thought comes to his mind, "my wife has nice tits"

You gasp and feeling your face heating up, you grab the napkin beside your hand and throw at Terushima's face. He just laughs as he catches the napkin.

"Pervert. jerks. idiot" you stand up, not forgetting to say; "Gochisousama". After that, you walk out of the dining room but stop when you face a branching hall.

"Left..." Terushima shouts over his shoulder.

You turn left and find your room not long after. You yawn as you get into the futon and fast asleep.

"already sleeping? sugoi na..." Terushima mutters when he arrives in the room as well. He then turns off the light before laying down beside you.

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