Chapter 38 - Personal Amusement

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Yesterday was a defeat for you. You spent the rest of the day being shy around Terushima. But yesterday's event left one thought that lingers in your mind. It was when you tell Terushima to come with you to take a walk and he follows suit. You are curious about how much power it held.

After breakfast, you ask him to walk with you in the garden again and he follows without questioning you. He brings up about your dress again after both of you pass a gardener—who is overly too young for the job and the said man takes his time to look up at you. This time Terushima asks you with a tone full of aggravation, "Just how much of those damn dresses do you have?". He asks as though after he knows the exact number, he's going to burn them all. And the most fun you get that day is when you were about to lie down on the grass, he moves in a dash to grip your arm and forcefully pull you to his side, hissing furiously "not today" and then dragging you to get inside the house.

Seeing him showing a panicky face and then you getting some fun from it reminds you of how fun it is to annoy him in the old days, except that now you don't realize the source of his response is jealousy. Outside of that, you know the key to making him do whatever you want is when you call his name sweetly. In the next few days, you doing nothing but abuse your power.

"Yuuji the string tangled, help me" you whine as you struggle to hold on to the big kite Terushima bought online for you yesterday. Due to the incident that happened at Koichi's birthday he is still overprotective over you and to make sure you stay at home without whining, he'd get you anything to entertain you. "Yuuji!" you call again when you didn't get any responses from him. You look in his direction where he sits under a tree, he already looks at you. It's not come to you as a surprise anymore as lately whenever you look at him he already has his eyes on you.

"It's hot. You come here" he shouts from his spot. All right your command does not completely work all the time. He still does whatever he wants most of the time.

The next day, after breakfast you didn't take a walk immediately. You join your family in the living room and continue the book you were reading when the summer holiday started. Koichi and Terushima playing together again, completely immersed in it. When Terushima has a bathroom break, you purposely go to the garden without saying a word. You take a ladder and climb the tallest tree in your house. When Terushima back, it took a while for him to realize that you were gone. From up the thickest branch where you sit, you watch Terushima looking for you. At first, you were grinning, but as you watch him look genuinely scared, you feel bad for doing this to him, and your grin gradually fades.

"Up here" you respond with guilt after Terushima calls you for the second time.

Terushima huff and clench his hip with both of his hands, looking entirely upset. You get down immediately when he told you to get inside and to sit down beside him. You actually scare of him that day, he didn't say anything to you for the rest of the day and so you take a mental note that never does anything major ever again. What you did on the following week is just small teasing, like asking him to get you things from higher places, sitting so close to him earning a glance from him to your cleavage, opening the jam, aks him to help you to try a new recipe of cookies you saw on youtube, opening the water bottle, asking him to watch movies with you no matter what he did--pampered him to leave whatever he currently does.

After days pass, doing small things turn out not much to entertain you anymore. "Ne~ Yuuji, Let's go to the beach," You thought after all this time thinking that your wish is his command, he would let you go to the beach or at least be on your side when you talk it out to your father.

"can you be quiet!" Koichi yelled at you instead as it's become hard for him to concentrate on his game. Terushima on the other hand, somehow, doesn't bother by your voice anymore. It was not until you accidentally elbow his phone off his hands and his game character dies. "No!" Shouts Koichi. Apparently, because of that, their team loses. Terushima turns to you and glares at you.

"Sorry? Ehe" your lips quiver, trying to hold back your laughter. Somehow the way the character got blasted off by the enemy in the split second when the phone fell is comical to you.

"Ck" Terushima clicks his tongue as he scoops you up. You shriek and cling desperately to the back of his shirt as he carries you on his shoulder. With ease, he takes you to a bedroom in no time. He closes the door and locks it before he drops you down on a soft surface. The room spinning for a second before you can take a look around. His black, leather strap watch on the nightstand makes you understand that Terushima takes you to his room. He traps you between his arms while his legs straddle your thigh. 

"You think I didn't notice you've been acting out lately, did you?" Terushima's chest vibrates as he speaks low and dangerous.

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