Chapter 5 - Terushimas

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The next day you wake up with a strong ache in your head since you drank more after you kicked Terushima. But unfortunately, the bitter feeling being left by some guy after he leads you on is still there in the back of your mind, even after you leave for school this morning.

Just when you walk around the corner, your eyes land on someone with ridiculous dye hair and piercings.

Oh hell no

Terushima looks up and his face looks annoyed once his eyes found your figure.

Excuse me, how dare you look at me like that

Both of you turn to the road that heads to Johzenji and sure enough; it becomes the most infuriating walking to school you ever had. You make sure that you don't have to see his face so you start to walk faster. Apparently what you did there trigger Terushima to defend his pride so what he does next is walking faster than you. Feeling hate to lose, you increase your pace to almost jogging. This keeps happening until eventually both of you running toward the school.

"I win..." you pant

"what are you talking about, my shoe reach the gate first..." Terushima scowls in between rag breathing.

"shoe doesn't count! your whole body has to enter the gate together" you rest your hands on your waist angrily.

"said no one ever!" Terushima grumbles.

"You do realize both of you are late, right?" another voice interrupts.

When the two of you look up, the teacher who responsible for today disciplinary immediately handing each of you a rake.

"clean the falling leaves, make a pile that reaches above your ankle, then you can go back to your class" the teacher orders.

With a rake in your hand, you start to raking the brown leaves that scatter all over the school ground. You notice instead of doing what he told to, Terushima busy with his phone, seemingly chatting with someone. You roll your eyes and continue, just when you're about to finish, Terushima interrupts.

"Since when you had that many..." he gasps as he trying to take some of your pile.

"Hey! Find your own leave!" You hiss as you taking back what he took.

"No! You can't finish before me! I'm gonna look like an idiot if I'm doing it alone" he rakes some more of your leaves.

"You already look like an idiot" you grit your teeth

"Don't be so stingy"

"Fuck off" you growl as you kicked his rake, the wooden part crack and snap under your weigh. You and Terushima paused and gape in horror. He holds up the rake that now became two halves "look what you've done with your kick"

"I'm not kicking it that hard, the rake being overdramatic" you state nervously.

"your kick is hard, my dick can confirm that" he glares at you.

Last night's memories instantly pop up in your head, how intimate you and him were. Despite feeling a rush of a warm feeling in your cheeks you try to stay calm "tch... your dick is a wimp"

"How could you say that when you never even- you know," Terushima makes a gesture with his fist, up and down.

"Hah! I don't need to... now that I know you have more dick in your personality than you do in your pants" you spit

"Should we prove it? there's an abandoned shed behind the school, whadaya say, do you want to pick up where we left off last night?" Terushima wiggled his eyebrow while his smug smirk still etching on his face.

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