Chapter 3 - Johzenji

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With the uniform that arrived last night, now you just look like the rest of the Johzenji students. With a bored expression, you are standing in front of the class, waiting for your turn to speak.

"Well then... please introduce yourself" the teacher, Mr. Nakamura who happens to be your homeroom teacher, says with a bored expression identical to you. If people do not know better they could easily mistake you as daughter and father.

"Nice to meet you, I'm (L/n)¹ (F/n)², I'm transferred from Tokyo" you gave a 90-degree bow, "I'm happy to meet you"

"Thank you (L/n)-san... please take your seat..." said Mr. Nakamura.

You began to make your way to the back row, the desk you were supposed to sit in look out of place. It stood alone in the back of the last row, clearly, they just add that only for you.

"Charming..." you mutter quietly. As you plop down in your seat, Mr. Nakamura begins his lesson, commanding the students to open chapter 9.

"Who did you pissed off until they kicked you out all the way to Sendai (F/n)-chan..." the girl in your left turns her head to you, hands crossed over her chest. Her chestnut, wavy hair fell off freely and reach the end of her spine, she then offers her hand, "Amano Kana, you can call me Kana if you'd like"

You take her hand and give it a weak, almost-not-moving shake, "nice to meet you Kana, and you'd be surprised if I told who"

"I wouldn't be, 'cause I'm guessing the whole Tokyo"

You snort out a laugh.

"I don't know how, but I can picture the two of you planning a murder together" the girl who sits in front of you chimes in without looking, she has golden hair and tied into a messy bun.

"Hiraoka Mei..." Kana tilted her head toward the bun-haired girl to introduce her to you.

"Just call me Mei" the bun-haired girl peers at you and give you her smile. Her small eyes are close when she smiles.

"How is your question is about me pissing someone?" You ask Kana

"No one transfers school three months after the entrance ceremony" Mei the one who answers your question.

"Maybe I just love transfer school at be beginning of the year" you shrug

"And maybe monkeys can fly," Kana says sarcastically. This time Mei snorts out a laugh.

"Girls... please, could you save it until lunch break" Mr. Nakamura whose lecture being ignores by the three of you finally interrupt.

Kana and Mei muttering an apology before back to face the whiteboard. When the bell for lunch-break rang, Kana and Mei, dragging you to the dining hall, eager to introduce you to the rest of their 'squad'. The dining hall in Johzenji is different than the one in Nekoma, your former high school. While in Nekoma they have six long tables, here in Johzenji, it is filled with round tables for five people. But the table you were heading is; two roundtables that have been dragged together and put side by side, making the shape of the number eight.

A few feet before you reach the tables, Kana explained to you that Mei is a manager for the basketball club and that the three boys who already occupied the dining table were from the basketball club.

Soon the table was full of boys from the basketball club, some are girls from the cheers squad, they all assorted from the first year to the third year, mingle into one in the dining tables. Mei introduces you to everyone once (according to her) everyone is here.

"Yo! I just have a great idea--" Yuito, a third-year who joins the tables last, holler. At first glance, he looked like a foreigner, his brown hair is thick and wavy, and his eyes as clear as the blue sky. your curiosity about his look was answered when Mei passed you a little bit of information; that his father is an American.

Before Yuito could finish, some of the people at the table spoke at almost the same time "You're going to throw a party"

"He's going to throw a party, just you see..." Kana whisper to you as if you couldn't hear the rest of the squad.

"--party at my house tonight," Yuito continues, ignoring the rest of the table and fix his eyes on you, "to celebrate our new and pretty member of Johzenji"

"What do you say, new girl?" Yuito leans down, blue orbs locking into your own.

"I'm honored..." you humor him.

As the table rising in a cheerful discussion about the party, you noticed the double-door to the cafeteria swing open. Three boys walking through it, their height was above the average. The boys were all instant smiles. You could felt their energy without effort like when you tried to felt the warmth of the sun in the summer, and every other noise was their laughter. But your attention was all directed only toward one of the boys, toward the boy who has undercut with spiky blond hair and piercing on both of his ears. Fun was printed on his appearance.

"Who is that?" You speak to Kana without averting your eyes.

She follows your eyes, "them? They're the boys' volleyball club"

"Not them, him, the brightest one in the middle" you correct her.

Kana grins cheekily, "ah... you mean the cute one, he's bad news..."

"Really?" you prop your chin with your hand, "he seems like someone who knows how to have fun"

"girl... he did," Kana smirk, "--waaay too much I think, I'm sure he's already get slapped by almost half of the girl in this hall"

You only smirk as your eyes following his figure that strolls to the vending machine. And after you averted your eyes, he flickers his eyes to you with a small smirk playing on his lips.


¹(L/n) = Last name
²(F/n) = First name

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