Chapter 18 - He's Okay

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Your eyes snap open as you feel a sudden heavy weight almost break your back in two, you being snatch completely from your sleep. It's been five days since your truce and you thought you can finally have a peaceful, paranoia-free weekend. But no, Terushima just has to be the jerk he is and drop his whole weight to wake you up. He lay his upper body across over your middle back.

"Are you trying to kill me!?" You throw your pillow over your shoulder.

"Finally!" He Terushima throws his arms, "I've been trying to wake you up for the last five minutes! God! I even have to check your pulse to make sure you're not dead"

"What do you want!?" You grumble as you squirm your body under the thick blanket, trying to get rid Terushima off your back.

"I'm hungry," Terushima says. 

"Make yourself a sandwich or something," you say. Ever since Terushima moved in, Watanabe and Tachibana would leave the house on Thursday night so you have Friday and the weekend to be alone with Terushima--this was your father and father in law's idea, you seriously have no idea what is going on in their head, what is going on with the whole family, and you are too tired to even ask yourself 'why?'. They said the idea of leaving you alone with Terushima is to make you get along with him.  Also, lately, you don't really mind his presence, unlike before when you really hate it upon seeing his figure, right now, you just mostly get annoyed at him at a certain thing--like, for example how he stole one of your pudding stacks in the refrigerator--okay this one you actually snap at him, or, when he defends his cat, he would always take it lightly every time the little demon cause you trouble.

"There's nothing in the fridge, not even a bread" Terushima whines.

"Order a take out"  you give up on prying off Terushima and try to sleep again

"No delivery at this early hour, I tried"

"Eat on the place then"

"I don't like eating alone, especially outside" he starts to roll over up and down your body like a rolling pin flatting down a dough, "let's go (L/n), let's go get some food"

"(L/n) (L/n) (L/n)" he keeps saying your name as he rolls all over your bed.

"Oh my god! Fine!" You roll on your back and sitting up, Terushima has already rolled to your knees when you open your eyes. He is half-naked as usual, he's only wearing his pokemon boxer. You getting used to it by now to see him only in his boxer.

"Let me change first" you add. 

"Yoshah!!" Terushima jumps on his feet and running out of your room.

You grunt as you throw your feet off of your bed. You wash up your face and brush your teeth first before you put on your shirt and jeans. You grab your wallet before you left your room. 

"Terushima!?" You shriek when you found him squat down near the kitchen counter, feeding his cat, still in his boxer. "If you're not ready in one minute, I swear I will lock you out while you still in that Pikachu boxer of yours" you threaten him and he instantly jumps up and runs to his room.

"Alright, alright," he said.

Thank god it only takes him less than a minute to be ready. You go with him using his motorcycle to get breakfast downtown. By the time you finish your breakfast, it's almost noon and Terushima said he needs new volleyball shoes so you go with him to the shopping district. You following him as he scans through all the shoes in the store, stopping at a pair of shoes once in a while to inspect it closely.

"Whoa" you breathe after your eyes caught at one particular pair of shoes. "Nee, Terushima..."

"Hmm?" He hums with his eyes still studying a pair of shoes.

"Buy me this one," you say lifting up the shoes.

Terushima looks at you, "why should I" he grumbles before looking back to the shoes on the display.

"Because your my husband, you responsible for me now, aren't you" you shrug, feeling proud of yourself because you can use Terushima's own words against him.

"Now you agree on that" he rolls his eyes

"I don't recall I ever disagree" you smile slyly.

Terushima pause and looks at you, seemingly just realize that. He looks like he almost gives up but then he looks like he found a strength within him, "You have shoes" he said sternly.

"Penny piss on it!" You whine.

"I wash it for you" he answers flatly even though he surprise you called Penelope by her name, not just 'your cat'.

"The color fades after you wash it" you whine some more.

"You still can use it, You could run around the world until I graduate and it still won't break"

"I want this!" You demand, "I never have this color before!" You stomping your foot like a child.

"Oi, oi" Terushima tries to stop you because the scene you make starts to attract other customers' attention.

You keep letting out whining noises before Terushima finally give up, "Fine, Fine... you can have that"

"Yosh" you grin,

"Dad gave me extra money anyway to treat you out" he laughs

"What?" Your grin falter, "since when?"

"Since we married" he smirks in a cunning way.

"But you never treat me anything"

"But you never ask me anything~"

"Ugh, you used the money for me all by yourself?!" You walk to him and start to hit his arm with the shoes in your hand, "not fair"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch" Terushima laugh, 

"I want it too" your hitting continue

"Okay, okay, I didn't use it anyway. Knock it off!"

"Liar!" you hit him rather hard

"Ouw!" he steps further from you, "okay I used it a little bit, to buy some gas for my motorcycle... ...and penny's food... and a hair gel"
"you..." you huff.

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