Chapter 17 - The Truce

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"Ta-tadaima..." you whisper as you opening the door. The prank you've been throwing at each other for the last two months has turned you into a complete wimp. Even on your first step into the house already making you trembling as if you will walk into a landmine and got yourself to blown up into pieces. 

The house seems quiet but you notice that Terushima's shoes in the shoe rack, means that he's home. You feel your throat dry after a long walk from school, so you tiptoed your way to the kitchen while taking a cautious glance behind you because there's a lot of time when Terushima coming from behind your back and scare the hell out of you (Terushima once using some creepy mask and holding a rubber knive).

You see through the gap of the banister that Terushima's room in the second floor are closed, your only guess is that he must be napping in his room so you increase your pace to the kitchen. But as soon as you get into kitchen you crash into something and fall on your butt, apparantly the one that you crash into has fall into the floor as well. It's Terushima, he is sitting-stunned in the floor looking at you eyes wide. 

"W-what you got there?" Says Terushima after a minute looking at you in horror, his finger pointing at your hand behind you which positioned in there because you trying to push yourself up.

"Nothing..." you respond and raise your hands, showing him your empty hands. "What are you doing in the kitchen?" You ask warily. 

"I just want to make my protein shakes" he answers.

You breath in a slight relief and trying to get up from the floor, "oy! Oy!" Terushima throw his palm in front of him as a gesture to stopping you.

You stop in mid air, "what? What?" You panic

"Stands up slowly" order Terushima.

"Why?" You still don't dare to move.

"I-I don't know" Terushima stutter, "you could have something in your sleeve and throw it at me"

You roll your eyes and finally standing up, "I don't have anything with me, I'm just here to get a water, okay? I don't bring my water bottle this morning" you scoot on the wall to step around Terushima and get to the refrigerator. The reason you didn't bring your water bottle because you were too scare if Terushima have do something to the water (the last time you drink from your water bottle it tasted like vinegar).

Terushima stands up as well and go to opens the upper cabinet, all while his eyes still watching you like a hawk. You do the same as you gulp down a big amount of water from the refrigerator. Terushima smelling his protein powder carefully before he throws some amount of the powder into a blender. After awhile he lost at making his shakes. In your exhausting state after the club and the school, you just want to relax in your home, but remembering the last two months make you anxious, you feel like you can't even fall asleep even if your bed is made up from a piece of fluffy cloud from heaven. You can't continue any of this ridiculous dispute between you and Terushima.

"Terushima..." you call,

"What?" He whipped around really fast and stand in a karate stance, a half peeled banana clutched in his hand.

You jump in your spot at how fast he moved, "um... why don't we call it a truce," you suggest, "no more prank..."

He look at you up and down making sure that you don't have anything mischievous on your look, "Yeah... yeah, I don't mind, I think that's a great idea..." 

"Okay" you nod.

"Okay" he nods as well.

"Wait... wait, we have to make sure that none of us will break this truce. We have to make some agreement or... punishment(?) For whoever broke it"

"Agree" he says and pause for a moment, "what if.... what if, if one of us break this treaty, both of us have to do something humiliating together"

"I think that's fair enough..." you agree, "okay..."

"Okay..." he echoes you.

There's a moment of silent and the two of you just looking at each other.

"Do you want to, like, shake on it? to seal the deal" you hold out your arm for a hand shakes.

"I-i'm good," he glance at you hand, 

"Oh, okay. Truce..." you step to the side little by little to get away from the kitchen.

"Truce..." says Terushima while watching you slowly leaving the kitchen.

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