Chapter 21 - Waffle on The Beach

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"Mmm~ it's been years since the last time I ate it yet the first bite still feels good," you say in the middle of munching your waffle.

"I haven't had this since you moved away, you know," Kuro says in delight, mouth full of waffle as well.

You and Kuroo take a seat at the long, wooden, high table facing the beach. This is your favorite spot every time you come here with Kuro. You remember coming here the first time, it was when you were 7. Your mother and Kuroo's mother took you to get something to eat after a long day on the beach. They took you to the nearest restaurant from the beach. The place is not much, small, the interior is simple--shells on the wall, wind chime, all-wood furniture. And the fact that they selling waffles near the beach is rather odd too but You and Kuroo instantly fall in love with the waffle and so everything else is doesn't matter. You frequently go here alone with Kuroo after school just for the waffle. The scene was always similar to this moment: Sunset, crashing sound of the waves, a faint clinking of the wind chimes. Every aspect of it always succeeded to lift up your spirit after a long, tiring day.

"So, how's life in Sendai" Kuroo starts the conversation.

"Nothing special." You stop for a moment, "actually... I make less trouble. Isn't that weird?"

"Not at all... you just... back to yourself"

You give Kuroo a questioning look.

Kuroo chuckles, "never mind"


"you never made any trouble, long ago. I remember. The memory like it was just yesterday in my head"

"What do you remember?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Oh just, a quiet little girl, obedient, loves to wear a skirt, and always carrying a teddy bear backpack--do you remember that?"

"oh my god" you hide your face using your hand, embarrassing at your own choice of fashion, "I remember that, I don't remember his name tho, what is it?"

"Kumagori!/Kumagori..." You and Kuroo speak at the same time

"'cause when you put your things too much in the bag his body will look like a gorilla" Kuroo laugh

"right" You laugh with him, "sometimes I rather carry my thing with my hand than making Kumagori looks like Gorilla".

"It's so stupid" Kuroo laugh harder, 

"We were seven" You throw your arm with a little bit trace of a laugh

"yup, good ol' days, you're just cute little girl"

"Hey, I'm still a cute little girl" you jest

"cute little girl with enough craziness to make ten grown-ups man have a heart attack" Kuroo deadpan.

"hah! you admit it I'm cute," You say victoriously.

"How's college life?" You ask after a moment of silent.

"Exhausting." Kuroo quiet for five seconds before he begins again, "but I met a lot of interesting people from all over Japan"

"any interesting girl?"

"No." Kuroo smiles, "compare to you, they're not as much as exciting as you"

"you mean, they are your every day, normal girl"

"oh yeah, right, they're just simply normal sometimes I forget that" 

"yeah, I think you hanging out with me too much, your normal is upside down now" you chuckle

"I think so too" Kuroo chuckles as well.

"well... don't worry it wear off, I live like, hundreds of kilometers away from you now"

"I don't think the distance help" Kuroo murmur to almost a whisper. Due to the loud crashing sound of the wave, you can't catch what he said.

"what's that?"

"What about you..." Kuroo hesitates, "how's married life?"

You look at him, "It's um... okay, I guess"


"Well, not in the beginning," you fiddle with your fork, "it's a mess... reaal mess"

"mess as in... 'honey I drop the plate and now the spaghetti's all over the floor'-mess?"

"as in 'you broke my thing and now I'm going to strangle you to death'-mess"

Kuroo snort out a laugh,

"Yeah.... but we're good. Oh, except for his cat"

"He has a pet?" Kuroo gasp, "Oh no, did you throw it somewhere in Vietnam jungles?"

"No." You giggle, "But the idea is stuck in my brain. I'm afraid it could happen any day"

Kuroo laughs again and after that, it doesn't take a long time for him and you to get carries away in a conversation, talking about everything that happened in each other life. It was after 9 pm when both of you agree to go home. He walks you back and you two keep exchange stories.

"Thank you... for the waffle" you say after you arrive in front of your house.

"No, I'm enjoying it too" Kuroo smiles

"You want to come in" you offer

"That sounds great, but it's late"

"You can stay over the night, you do it all the time"

"No, I should go home"

"You sure?"

Seconds tick away as Kuroo's eyes fix on yours.

"Yeah, I'll just-" Kuroo throws his thumb over his shoulder as he turns away.

You stare at his back. You feel kind of sad that he refuse your offer, he was always there when you sad, when you down, when you upset, he usually stayed until you feel better. You always showed your vulnerable side to him and ever since you moved to Sendai, you've been trying to be strong alone. You can't talk your married life to your friends back in Sendai, well, actually you don't really want to talk about it at all, also there's not much to talk about, I mean, what to talk about in a forced marriage. You thought, maybe that's why you don't feel like going back to school any time soon. You're just not ready to act strong yet.

"Are you busy tomorrow?" You blurt out

"Why?" Kuroo whipped around fast, startle you a little.

"I thought we could go somewhere, again"

"Sure, let's go" he raises his shoulders

"Okay" you grin, "just pick me up whenever you finish your class"

"Okay, See you tomorrow" he waves you.

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