Chapter 14 - The Trigger

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"Okay here's the real problem: (L/n) (F/n)"


"she's smart, she's sly, she's fast"

"yeah! she turns us against each other last year!"

"she made us loses our teamwork, before the game. BEFORE THE GAME!"

"We need to stick together this time"

"but that doesn't guarantee our win, she also good at strategies and leading her team to actually execute the strategy. 'turn us against each other' is just like an extra cheese to her pizza."


"stop shouting Terushima"

"Oh come on, cheer up "

"How can we cheer up hearing you shout. you shout at least three times a day, every day"

"relax a little, will you, I have a plan"

"Well, spill it. any plan that can make us the winner, we'd be happy to hear,"

"Okay, I call it, the anti-(L/n) (F/n) strategy"


Here's one thing you really love at Johzenji; the annual sports days. Yes, when every normal school has a cute little teamwork game in the school's field, Johzenji makes a battle royale. Johzenji battle royale is a paintball war between all classes, from the first year to the third year, with no class classification. It's a perfect game to let all of your grudges to the other student and without having to pay the price because everything that happens on the game, stays on the battleground. Uniquely, Johzenji students respect that rule and stay civil after the game.

Last year, you come up with a strategy that can bring your class to be the first winner, so this year, they make you the team captain. After three days of battle, today is the final and the opposing team is your last year's rival on the final as well, and that is Terushima's class.

"Okay, everyone remembers their role?" you ask as you put on your vest with a green line on every rim--the color to signify your team.

"yes" your classmate's answer overlapping over each other.

"let's go," you say with an assertive voice.

You position yourself to stand in the middle of your team when the time comes. The cheer of the crowd who watch from the higher ground booming across the field, they got louder when the two teams entering the arena. The arena was built to resemble a small forest and ruins of buildings. you make yourself stay low when the team walks into the battleground.  you still make yourself covered when the team split into two to go into their position. 

Last year you charge boldly into the enemy territory taking them by surprise, they panic and shooting at you, automatically revealing their position which made them an easy target. Because you ran fast none of their paintball got you, and thanks to the best shooter in your class who easily finishing them off, you can acquire the flag of Johzenji High to win the game.

When the horn for the game blaring across the field as a cue to start the game, the audience goes silent and you already hide yourself up in the tree. you know they will targeting you this year, so you planning to be the bait. You will hide for a while to make the opponent think that your team protecting you, to make you like a precious Ace of the team, at that time, another party has to eliminate as many enemies as they can. After that, half of that party will get you, they will act as your bodyguard, then you will intentionally expose yourself--especially your captain mark, but you'll make it like it was unintentional. Your small group will create havoc while two of your teammate will stealthily approach the flag.

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