Chapter 32 - To Tokyo. Again.

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'Where are you?' Says Koichi through the phone.

"I'm already at the airport, we're waiting for our flight," you answer him

"What about Yuuji-niisan"

"I'm coming too, don't worry" before you could answer Koichi, Terushima chimes in. He rests his head on your shoulder so Koichi could see his face in the video call that currently going on.

It's a shock to you the first time Koichi called you about his birthday party because unbeknownst to you, Terushima and Koichi are gaming buddies and Koichi specifically told Terushima that he must come to his party. Terushima told you the story after that. He said the first time he met Koichi was on your wedding day. On that day, after they dress Terushima for the wedding, there was a little time before the ceremony began, so he took a stroll in the garden around the groom's dressing room and found Koichi playing alone there. Terushima and Koichi loved the same mobile game and played together. Terushima doesn't know that Koichi is your little brother until the ceremony is about to start and before they part ways, Koichi said, 'that was fun, I'm sure you'd be a good husband to my sister'.

"What about my birthday present?" Koichi grins as soon as he sees Terushima's face.

"Oh... you seriously want the present?" Terushima hesitates

"But... but..." Koichi's face falls fast

"I'm Kidding" Terushima laughs, "of course, I got you a present"

"you promise me" Koichi whines,

"and I'm not gonna break my promise" Terushima assures.

"If you break it, I don't want to talk to you ever again" Koichi narrows his eyes and at the same time you can hear vaguely your mother calling Koichi, "Okay!" Kochi answer her real quick before looking back at you, "I gotta go, I'm going with mom to get my suit for the party, bye"

After Koichi hung up, you turn to Terushima who already sit upright, "you really have the present, right?"

"No, I forgot about the present, I'll buy something as soon as we landed in Tokyo"

"WHAT?!" your eyes wide open

"pffhahaha" Terushima laugh, "you siblings are so gullible it's cute"

You punch his biceps, "It's not funny. if you don't get him a present, I will haunt you for the rest of this summer holiday and you know it very well I never bluff"

"ow," Terushima whimpers, "I have it with me, relax" he leans back against his seat as his hand rubs his sore biceps.


"In my backpack"

You grab his backpack and start looking for something that looks like a present while Terushima begins to play with his phone.

"Don't drop anything" says Terushima leisurely without averting his eyes from his phone.

"Is this it?" You ask as you take out a small box wrapped in black with gold ribbon.


"It's so small," you say as you examine the box. The size is the same as the Tiffany box you once found in your mother's jewelry drawer, "you're going to propose to him or something?"

Terushima finally turns to you and he leans his face closer, "why? You jealous or something?" A teasing smirk plaster on his face.

"Tch" you look away, warm creeping up your cheek, "you know, you did never propose to me—not like I'm jealous or anything, just a fact"

"Is that why you sulking all day on our wedding day?" He teases you more.

"Oh there's tons of thing that make me sulking that day," you pout and cross your hands over your chest, "first of all I don't have a good night's sleep, second of all, what kind of man don't even propose before he marries someone"

Terushima just snorts out a silent laugh as his eyes study your face.

"Stop looking at me like that, it's creepy" you push back his face.

He shifts away his head to get away from your hands, "I bought the ring for you and put it on your finger, it's basically the same"

"You bought it?"

"Who do you think bought that for you?" He looks at you with disbelief

"Your Dad--since he's the one who pays for a lot of things"

"yes with dad's money obviously, but he just provides the money, someone still has to go out there and get the ring"

"Kazuma go out on his own and bought it for you is more believable, to be honest" you shrug

Terushima rolls his eyes, "I pick that myself—well Kazuma was there actually, but he just there so I don't have to feel awkward alone" Terushima then takes your hand, "look how pretty that thing in your finger, all thanks to me now you can brag about it to your friends"

"They wouldn't believe me anyway," you quickly reply, "I mean, Kana and Mei knew me since freshmen yet I need to convince them with twenty pictures of our wedding first before they believed me,"

"Are they now? Should we make a more obvious proof?"

"Like what?"

"Get you pregnant or something"

You gasp and glare at Terushima, blushing madly. He seems to enjoy your state, laughing heartily, "I'm joking"

"Don't joke about that" you mumble but your mind already imagines how the baby will look like if you have a baby with him. He will have a cute laugh with beautiful brown eyes. Then, when the idea of 'you have to make the baby first' comes into your mind and it turns into a sensual scene between you and Terushima, you hastily shake your head.

"Did you just imagine we-" Terushima is about to tease you for the second time but you immediately stand up.

"can we get something to eat? I'm hungry" You walk away from Terushima.

Terushima chuckles and stands up as well.

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