Chapter 10 - Troubled

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You slip into your green parka coat and get out of your room again. As you descend the stairs you get a glimpse of Terushima in the living room, carrying his cat. You roll your eyes and continue to march out of the house, not forgetting to slams the door behind you. When you out on the dark sidewalk, you take out your phone.

you: what are you doing tonight?

you send a message to Kana and after a short moment, your phone dinged.

Kana: I'm on my way to a party.

You: a party? and you keep it to yourself?

Kana: my cousin invites me to his friend's party... He's kinda weird, I'm just afraid it's gonna be a weird party, so I just want to make sure before I bring anyone along.

You: oh nice way ahead of thinking, but I really need a place to go right now

Kana: something happens? are you ok?

You: yeah, just, been working on that homework Mr. Nakamura gives us

Kana: we have homework?

You: he told us like, a week ago

You:...and it's due tomorrow

Kana: shit

Kana: well, give tomorrow's problem to tomorrow-me

You: you're hopeless. Could you just tell me where are you now, please?

Kana: alright

Under her bubble chat, a location has been sent to you. You take a bus to that location. The house is just ten minutes of bus riding from your house. Music already blaring through the house, teenagers crowding the place.

"(F/n)!" you hear Kana's voice as soon as you enter the house. She sitting on a sofa with some guys. You saunter to her and take a seat beside her. She gives you a plastic glass as soon as you settle. When you drink it, the liquid has a strong kick in your mouth and it burning your throat, but there's a sweet and cool sensation follow after, "ogf... what the hell is this?"

"Who knows, they made it themselves" Kana laugh,

"They?" you take another sip because actually, it's surprisingly kind of addictive.

"That will be me... and me friend," a guy beside her says to you,

"Ugh" Kana rolls her eyes, "he's my cousin, ignore him... he licked his own underwear, you don't want anywhere near him"

"Would you stop telling that to every girl we met?" Kana's cousin throws his hands

"What? it happened..." Kana shrugs,

"I just do it once," her cousin grunt, "and that because you dare me to do it..."

"You shouldn't do it, that's just wrong..." Kana cringes

Kana's cousin turns to you, "I just do it once, I swear... she just being a bitch cause I forgot my wallet and she has to pay the uber"

"Oh yeah, right, he did that too... a lot..." Kana deadpan,

"I'm Hisao..." Kana's cousin offers his hand to you, "what's your-"

"oi, Hisao!" a heavy voice suddenly interrupted, making Hisao to looks up, "your friend making out with my keg... I feel weird just by looking at him, do something!" the guy hurried Hisao.

Unconsciously, you let out a giggle but immediately stop when the guy looking at you.

"Oh you bring more friend?" the guy asks Hisao without averting his eyes from you.

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