Chapter 2 - Moving Day

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"Um... why are you carrying that?" you point to a suitcase in Watanabe's hand when you are dressed up standing in front of the front door, ready to leave. Your mother and brother are standing beside you, they are the only two people who sent you away, your father at work while Kuroo at school.

"Do you really think your father is sending you to live there alone?" Watanabe smirk victoriously, "oh... and Tachibana-san coming as well" he turned aside real quick and you following his gaze, founding Tachibana, one of your maid who is still in her early twenty, dragging her enormous suitcase.

"Tac-chan! You're coming too!?" You skip to her and hugging her, accidentally knock over her grasp on the suitcase.

"Yes... (F/n)-sama, it's a direct order from your mother so you have another girl to talk to in your new home" she says with her usual shy demeanor while clumsily trying to stand up her suitcase that you knocked over.

"I'll be fine with only Tachan, Watson can stay here" you smile sweetly toward your mother.

"you are ten years too early to convince me that you can live without surveillance." your mother responds quickly and short while your smile drops into a pout. Watanabe is the only servant in your house who is capable to stay strict toward you. He's the only one who fits for the job to look after you.

Two vehicles appear and drive around the small fountain in front of your house, then stopping in front of the porch. One was a black Acura RLX, driven by the family chauffeur, he just got back after driving your father to work. The other vehicle was a small white moving truck to carry the luggage. A young male servant starts to load your luggage as well as Watanabe's and Tachibana's suitcase, while you, having the last goodbye to your mother.

"Behave." she says as she releases you from a strong hug, "Remember what your father said, okay?" (He said: "if you screw this one up! I will kick your name out of the heir list and sent you to live in Antarctica!")

"Okay..." you roll your eyes.

Your brother throw himself to you in a tight hug as soon as you stepped back from your mother, "please don't make any more trouble, it will be hard to visit you in Antarctica" he tearing up.

"I won't..." you chuckle.

"Promise me" he muffles against your stomach.

"I promise..."

He then looks up at Watanabe, "you too Watanabe! Promise me you won't let her get into trouble"

"It's the only reason why I came along with her--" The butler in his early 50 smiles at Koichi, he always has a soft spot for your little brother because Koichi's such an obedient, quiet, and smart kid. Never cause any trouble, the polar opposite of you. "--But if it will put young master at ease, then I promise" Watanabe finish.

The chauffeur gets out of the car and opens the back seat door, giving a cue to everyone that it's time to go. You give your brother one last squeeze before get in the back seat. Watanabe took the passenger seat while Tachibana walks around the car and sits beside you.

The car machine rumbles alive and soon drive toward the main road, then the highway. At a steady pace leaving your family mansion and Tokyo behind. The whole journey was silent, you fell asleep twice while Tachibana fell asleep the whole journey as soon as the car drove into the highway, Watanabe as usual sit straight and full of pride, occasionally makes small talk with the chauffeur.

After 4 hours, an aching back, and cramped legs, you finally arrived at some suburban area. Most of the houses were two-story buildings, every house standing next to each other rather close. And in the corner of the road, there stood the house you were supposed to live in from now one.

 And in the corner of the road, there stood the house you were supposed to live in from now one

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It doesn't look much like the mansion where you were growing up. It's a two-story house. The paint weathered but there's enough amount of trees and flowers that made the house look homie. It has four rooms and two bathrooms. When you walked inside, the house was fully furnished. Watanabe, Tachibana, and with the help of the chauffeur, they are starting to unload the truck and put away your luggage in the master bedroom on the second floor.

It was almost dinner time when you were halfway through your stuff in your bedroom, accidentally dropping an old photograph, when you take out some of your knick-knacks from a card box

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It was almost dinner time when you were halfway through your stuff in your bedroom, accidentally dropping an old photograph, when you take out some of your knick-knacks from a card box. A scowl instantly surfaces in your feature once you take a closer look. It's a photograph of a ten years old boy with brown hair that combed neatly and wearing a white shirt that tucked into a beige trouser, red bow wrapping around his collar shirt. He is the boy who is intended for you. His expression looked exactly like how you looked right now, his eyes not even glancing toward the camera, seemingly you were not the only one who wasn't fine with the situation. It made you remember when your mother took your photograph to be sent to the boy's family. She dressed you up like a baby doll, with a white midi gown and a red bow in your head.

This whole betrothed crap was started by your great-grandfather when his sorry ass was saved by a fellow soldier. They become good friends, and apparently, that's not enough. They agreed to marry their firstborn so that they could become a real family. Unfortunately, both of their first slash last borns were a boy, and so the firstborn of their firstborn. They almost give up, until you and the boy in the photograph were born. Just your luck you have to be born when great-grandfather was still alive and so his last will (when you were a five) was that you shall be betrothed to the great-grandchild of his best friend.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Your ear perks up as you get out from your room and leaning against the banister. You can see Watanabe stand in the doorway, he is talking to someone. And when he is back, he carries a brown box which length and width about thirty centimeters and have an official logo on the lid.

"What is it?" You ask curiously.

"Your school uniform has arrived, Ojou-sama," Says Watanabe

"Ooo... lemme see" you descend the stairs and take the box from his hand. Inside, was a PE uniform, a swimsuit--along with a swim cap and google, and the daily uniform; two olive-colored jackets, two white collared shirt, a blue tie, and two black skirts that reached your middle thigh. All have the same logo as in the box, embedded on the left, upper front of the clothes. Johzenji High is written in a waving ribbon under the logo.

"Johzenji..." you hum thoughtfully, "I like how it sounds..."

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