Chapter 34 - What is Happening?

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She'll be fine

Thank you

You heard voices echo in your head before you slowly open your eyes. The first person you see is your childhood best friend. He is currently closing the door. When he turns around, his eyes widen for a moment before he rushes to your bed. 

"You finally wake up," Kuroo lets out a long relief breath when he sits in your bed.

"What happened?" You ask in a raspy voice.

"an attempt of kidnapping," Kuroo answers.

"Who did it?"

"They still try to find out. The kidnappers got away. But I overheard some of your dad's subordinates say that it could be a group of terrorists. The police arrested half of the members six months ago. They've been making some troubles lately as an attempt to get their member back"

Hearing your dad comes up makes you completely awake and realize the danger that could happen to anyone, not just you, "is everyone okay?"

"Nobody's hurt... although... your brother passed out too"

"What?" You sit upright, determined to find your brother.

"Whoa, what are you doing? You need to take it slow," Kuroo holds you back.

"I'm fine, I sleep enough—wait, how long have I been out?"   

"I don't know" answers Kuroo and yawns.

"What time is it?"

Kuroo look into his watch, "twelve o'clock"

"Twelve?!" You shock, "it was seven-thirty when I get down to the party. Tetsurou did you been here all that time?"

"Kind of"

You sigh, "you get some sleep now" you stand up to give him your bed.

"I'm fine" he raises his shoulders tiredly.


One word from you and Kuroo surrender right away because he's been struggling to keep his eyes open for the last hour, "Fine. What about you?"

"I'll sleep in Koichi's room," you assure him

"Hmm kay" he yawns again and lays down on your bed.

"Thank you by the way"

"For what?"

"Saving me"

Kuroo smiles, "anytime"

You smile too, "Alright, good night"

You turn off the light and leave your room quietly. When you step outside, the sight surprises you. Lots of people in black uniforms looking busy downstairs. The dining table fills with the equipment you're not familiar with, the only thing you know is the monitor. When you get to the first floor you can see, outside, in front of your house, your dad seemingly surrounded by cramped reporters. He's giving a statement of what happened. You look around for faces you know and find your mother in your father's study room with a steamy cup of tea in front of her. She closes her eyes and massages her nose bridge.

"Mom..." your call makes your mother open her eyes.

"(F/n)!" she opens her arm and you walk to her right away. You rest your head in her chest and she squishes you in a tight hug.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, what about you?"

She sighs, "I'm exhausted, I had to dismiss all the guests. I said so many apologies tonight, and I'm worried about you and your brother, and really scared that this is just the beginning. I mean, they attack right inside our house, how could I feel safe now? how can I sleep? I really scared that if I close my eyes they will take you two away from me,"

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