Chapter 41 - Summer, At Last

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Ever since his punishment, Terushima had never slept in his room anymore. His things are fewer than you, so it's easier for him to move out of the guest bedroom than you have to leave your room. Your make-up on the dressing table, now mixing with his necessities—hair gel, body spray, his watch. It's messy, but somehow looks more appealing to you.

You woke up afternoon these past few days because the activity in bed at night was lively. Terushima wasn't beside you again when you opened your eyes today. He wakes up way earlier than you, making you wonder just how much stamina does he has? As soon as you get up, you decide to freshen up. When you finish taking a shower, while you dry your hair, your door flies open.

"Ah, you're awake," says Terushima from the doorstep, "get dressed. We're going on a date"

"Huh?" You look at him confusedly.

"Come on"

"We can go out?"

"Yeah. Those idiots who ruin Koichi's birthday got arrested last night. We're free to go"

"Really?!" You jump on your feet.

"I'll wait downstairs," he says as he closes the door.

After 3 weeks trap at home, being able to get out of the house hype you up. You wear one of your sleeveless mini summer dress but as soon as Terushima see it he demands you to change it or he will cancel the date. With heavy steps, you change into a dress that reaches your knees with sleeves. When you get downstairs Terushima usher you to the car.

"You can drive?" You ask as you put on your seatbelt. Apparently, your mother has lent him her car when she heard Terushima asking your dad for permission to take you on a date.

"Do you think your dad; the head of the police, would allow me to take you on a date by car if I can't?"

"Ah sarcasm, what a great way to start a day" 

"Sounds to me we speak the same language," Terushima chuckles as he pulls off from the driver.

Terushima takes you to a summer festival. People already crowding the place. Seems like the heat of the summer didn't make everyone want to miss the euphoria of a once-in-a-year festival. You and Terushima play some games and on the last one, he wins a couple-bracelet. It's made from a cheap string with a tiny ivory stone pendant but he put on one right away as though someone will snatch it if he doesn't.

"Why do I have to wear it on my left hand?" Your curiosity sparks as he adjusts the string on your wrist. Because you have your watch in your left hand you intend to wear the bracelet in your right hand—exactly how Terushima wears it. Also, being right-handed will make you use your right hand a lot and more people will see it.

"So when I do this—" when he finishes putting on your bracelet he holds your hand, "—people can see we wearing couple bracelets"

"So when I do this—" when he finishes putting on your bracelet he holds your hand, "—people can see we wearing couple bracelets"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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