Chapter 35 - A Moment of Comfort

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"And then the other one who tried to kidnap you ran this way and gets his accomplice before they got away together," The Officer tells you of what happens after Terushima rescued Koichi.

But you can't really focus on everything he said. After watching the video, now you can understand what makes your mother so scared earlier. If Terushima was late to realize that Koichi was gone, tonight could end up a hundred times worse and the thought already makes your heart beats heavily in your chest.

"If your husband was late in just a few seconds, they probably get away with your brother and could be anywhere right now," says the officer, who apparently has the same thought as you.

Now you want to run to Terushima right away to thank him for what he did. "Have you seen him?" you look up at the officer and blush slightly at the next sentence, "my husband?".

"not after the other officer asking him about the kidnapper," he shakes his head.

you nod, "thanks for showing me the video"

He only nods. You stand up and leave him. You head to Terushima's room right away, but on the way there you see the door to your brother's room hanging ajar. Your mind change and you want to check on your brother first, but when you stand near the door you heard soft conversation inside.

"I'm fine"

That is the first thing you hear. You know it very well that it's Koichi's voice. You quietly take a peek inside. Terushima lay in the Koichi's bed. You can only see his back, he still wearing the outfit for the party.

"I know," says Terushima

"Then why are you here?"

"I'm here because your mom won't stop crying if you're alone, or do you prefer I call your mom back?"

"no. no. You're all right"

You smile listening to them and a comforting warm feeling blooms in your chest.

"Was that scary for you?" Terushima voice can be heard again.

"No" mumbles Koichi

"Are you lying?"


Terushima laughs softly. After a quiet moment, he speaks again, "It was scary for me... If I was late to look back just a second..."

"I'm fine, I'm even saving you" Koichi yawns.

Terushima only let out a weak laugh.

After there was no sound anymore you decided to go inside. You walk to the bed. Koichi seemingly falls asleep but Terushima is not sleeping yet, he can feel a presence behind him and quickly look back. The sight of you walking soundless and the sight of him looking back instantly startle each of you. Both of you flinch and your heart almost has a heart attack and it seems that is exactly what Terushima feels because he mirrors your expression with a hand rest in his chest. 'Looks like everyone has their own kind of trauma' you thought. When you get closer and have a better view of him, you realize there's a dark bruise on his left cheekbone.

"oh my god, your face" you whisper so you don't wake Koichi up.

"I'm fine" he whispers back and gently catches your hand when you want to touch his face.

After he let go of your hand, you move around and lay sideways on the other side of Koichi. You make yourself comfortable before looking straight into Terushima's eyes. His eyes flicker as though it trying to find something. They're studying your face carefully before keep moving down to your body.

"Are you okay?" He asks when his eyes back to your eyes while his hand stretches out to you. You wince when he rests his hand on your hip. His eyebrows knit in an instant "What? What's wrong?" He questions as he lifts up his hand away from your body. You shift to look at your hip. You slide down your skirt a little to look at what causes the pain. Terushima hiss when he sees a bruise on your hip as dark as his own.

"Oh... I forgot about this" you whisper.

"How does that happen?" Terushima frown deepen

"I uh... I ran into a table, I think"

"you think?"

"the smoke is really thick, I can't see anything. I just ran away when I thought there's a chance to get away"

"Ck... I should have punch 'em harder"

"It's just a bruise..."

"a bruise on you is a death sentence for someone" for a quick glance, he looks like he just mumbling but you can see his jaw and fist tighten with anger. You reach out to hold his hand and slip your fingers in between his finger, hoping that it will make him relax. Terushima sighs, his eyes leaving yours, and stares unfocus but let his hand being held by you nevertheless. You couldn't guess what he was thinking so you ask, "What is it?"


"What are you thinking?"



Terushima sigh, "I just... part of me wish I could... be there for you"

"If you were there for me, Koichi wouldn't be here"

"I know"

You stare at him, taking your time to look at his face. A dark bruise on his cheek doesn't make him look less handsome.

"I don't know what will happen to Koichi if you weren't there," your tears start to well up in your eyes and your voice slightly trembling, "the thought really scares me... " a drop of tears escapes your eyes.

"he's here now, why are you crying?" Terushima's hand leaves yours for a short second to wipes your tears before he intertwines his fingers with yours again.

"I know, I don't know" you take a deep breath.

"Which one" Terushima chuckles softly.

"It's just that, even for me, that moment is scary. I can't imagine what Koichi have to go through"

"Did you know he throw a rock bigger than my face to the kidnapper?" Terushima trying to change the atmosphere.

"I know" you laugh softly, "I watch the recording before I came here"

"The fighting spirit must be run in the family," says Terushima, making you laugh some more, "He's a smart kid, he knows he shouldn't go without a fight, so don't worry"

"thank you..." you say sincerely, 

"He's my brother too now. I will never let anyone do whatever they like to my family"

His word ease your heavy chest and it replaces with a drowsy feeling. "Looks like you still need some sleep," says Terushima when he sees you yawning. You let go of Terushima's hand to make yourself comfortable one last time before closing your eyes. After a moment you can feel a strain of your hair slipping down to your face and then a gentle touch that moves from your forehead to your temple and then it goes to behind your ear. It feels to you that Terushima tugs away your hair behind your ear. He then continues to moves the lower part of your hair to put it behind your neck. The feeling of his fingers grazing your skin is tickle you a little, but you love it. It makes your eyes heavier and sends you to sleep.

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