Chapter 24 - A Day at Home

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When you wake up, your hands still entwine with Terushima's hand. You only let go when you feel your shoulder's stiff from sleeping in the same position all night. You stretch carefully so you won't wake Terushima up. After stretching you look at Terushima. He still sleeping soundly. Your eyes studying his face, moving downward from his eyebrows, his closed eyes, his nose, his lips, and down to his chin. You forget how handsome he is since he terrors your life too much. Your eyes then flicker back to his forehead that still has a cooling patch on it. You touch his cheek with the back of your hand. He doesn't feel as hot like last night, but just to be safe, you put a thermometer in his armpit again. The result is barely 37°C.
'Thank God' you let out a relieved sigh.

You sit for a while in the bed, lost at what should you do until your eyes caught on Terushima's uniform that you leave in the chair last night.

'School!' You shoot up on your feet. You're looking for your phone to look at the times but then see Terushima sleeping in the bed.  He needs to eat on time and drink a lot of water and you are sure he will never do that by himself, especially when his body doesn't feel good at all so You call off your decision to go to school.

You still looking for your phone but now to call your father-in-law to ask him a favor to inform Terushima's homeroom teacher that Terushima's is sick and probably needs to rest until tomorrow. Terushima's father, like any other parent, worries when he hears his son sick but you assure him that his son will be okay, Terushima just exhausted and has a fever last night.

"You're not going anywhere, aren't you?" A raspy voice raises up after you hang up your phone.

You look back and found Terushima stares at you.

"Oh did I wake you up?" You ask with guilt.

"Kind of"


"No. I heard you talking I thought you're going somewhere"

"I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry" you fix the blanket over his body,

"do you want porridge for breakfast or something else?" You question when you feel your stomach burn with hunger and remember it's time for breakfast, oh shit, you don't even have dinner last night, no wonder you starving.

"Porridge" answers Terushima.

"Porridge it is. I'm just going to take this downstairs, okay?" You say as you pick up the tray from last night, "I'll be back with breakfast. You can go back to sleep, I'll wake you up when it's ready"

With that, Terushima closes his eyes again. You go out of the room and strolling to the kitchen, Ordering groceries online, again. While waiting, you wash the dishes and refill the water. You remember the katsudon you order last night. After you sure it's still decent to be eaten, you thought it's going to be such a waste of the money if you just throw it away. You finish it alone while watching the morning news. After the groceries arrive, you continue to make porridge for Terushima. After the food's done you take ut to Terushima's room. He wants you to feed him again. While feeding him it feels as if you just unlocking another side of Terushima: he is being super clingy when he sick, but somehow you find that kind of cute. You can throw any sarcastic comment and he won't retort back because he is afraid his replies will be resulting in him being left alone. 

"what are you reading?" Terushima asks from his bed. After feeding him the porridge. You want him to stay well-rested, so you tell him to just lay down. Because he doesn't want to be left alone, you bringing your book to Terushima's room. you take a seat at his study desk to give Terushima more room to rest.

"It's a fantasy novel, about a girl who discovers herself as a descendant of dragons and can turn herself into a dragon" You respond without giving a glance at him.

He silent before he speaks again, "I'm bored"

"Do you need your phone?" your posture unchanged.



"I wanna know the story"

"what story?"

"what you read"

"I told you what's it all about"

"Read it to me"

You look to his surprise, "you want me to read it to you?"

He nods.

"didn't expect you to interested in this kind of thing" you comment.

"what do you expect I would be interested in?"

"Girls' phone number" you shrug

He throws the extra pillow in his bed at you. Having a fast reflex, You shield yourself with your elbow in time. The pillow falls to the floor after it crashes with your elbow. You gasp in disbelief, mouth gape wide. "You look fine, maybe I should just leave" you pretend to leave his room.

"I'm sorry." He quickly apologizes, "Don't leave. Please."

You shake your head and picking up the pillow before walking to his bed. You lay beside him and bringing your book in front of your face, but before you read to him, you curious about something.

"Ne~ Terushima-" you begin

"Yuuji" he interrupts you,


"I think it's about time you call me Yuuji, (F/n)"

You statue as you feel your face warmer. You look away, "Yuuji..." you say barely audible. Your heart skips a beat when you call him by his first name. 'WHAT'S THIS?? WHY AM I BEING SHY IN FRONT OF HIM?!!!!' you scream loud in your head. 'WAIT. WHAT I WANT TO TALK ABOUT AGAIN??'

"(F/n)" he calls you softly. Because he lays so close to you, his breath tickling your ear and successfully making your heart beating faster.

"(F/n)" He says your name again and his soothing voice sending your knees weak. OH MY GOD

"(F--" you move fast to turn to him and cover his mouth,

"Yes! yes! I can hear you, alright! You can stop, jeez"

"What's wrong?" He chuckles after he moves your hands out of his mouth. He put down your hand in the bed, in between the two of you, but not letting it go.

"Nothing" you pant lightly.

"Are you sure? Your face all red." He chuckles some more.

"Just act like you didn't notice"

"Okay. so... you're about to say something before, what is it?"

"Oh yeah?" You try to remember but to no avail, your mind in havoc right now "it's... gone... I don't know what I want to talk about"

"Oh Well," he quick to shrug it off, "Now, about the story-"

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