Chapter 13 - Penelope

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"You going out tonight?" Mei asks when she, you, and Kana leave the school building. She kind of gets a fear of getting left behind when Kana told her about the party last night.

"Dunno" you shrug,

"Should we get dinner first?" Kana wonders, because her mother works at night in some nightclub and she rarely leaves any edible food before work for her daughter.

"Yes! Let's!" Mei cheers, both of Mei's parents are working and they come home late a lot. They usually just gave Mei extra pocket money to buy herself a dinner. Their family situation made Mei and Kana's a perfect fit. You found it sweet that sometimes they look after each other like a sister.

"Are you coming? Ojou-sama" Mei emphasize the nickname to teases you.

"I..." you glance away and pause when you see someone familiar. A woman getting out of a car with a fancy dress and neat hairstyle, and black sunglasses. She takes off the sunglasses when she looks in your direction while waves excitedly.

"Who's that lady?" Kana inquires when she following your gaze.

"I don't know" you respond

"She seems to know you" Mei chimes in,

The three of you stop and just stares at her. As you statue in your spot, a black and red motorcycle stops in front of her. It's Terushima. He seemingly talks to the lady before his head turns away to look at you, he then drives off again.

"Oh shit" a realization just hit your sometimes-thick head, "that's my mother... in law," you say the last part quietly.

"what/who" Kana and Mei's voice overlapping over each other.

"I think I can't go with you guys, bye" you leave both of your friends and walk over to Terushima's mother.

"(F/n)!" Terushima's mother hugs you.

"Hey Mrs. Terushima," you say after she undid the hug

"I told you to call me mom," she pinches your cheek lightly.

"Right, sorry..." you say sheepishly, "Is something wrong?"

"You and Yuuji never visit me that's what's wrong," she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Oh," you gasp and then not really know what to say, "sorry,"

"come on, I want to spend some time with my daughter in law" she pushes you to get in the car.

"I don't blame you..." Mrs. Terushima talk as the car start to move at a steady pace, "Yuuji should take you to visit us once in a while,"

"yeah... he's pretty busy with his club, I heard there's an upcoming tournament," you say absently

"Aww, how sweet of you taking a little note to what your husband's doing" she smirks at you

You smile and glance away out the window. Terushima's mother takes you to the shopping district, the two of you trying almost every dress you see, sometimes giggling at some ridiculous dress. You found out that she actually a fun person to hang out with, you could talk everything with her, except the part where you about to kill Terushima's cat--because the woman seems to love cat as well, surely a barbaric stunt you do wouldn't impress her.

After she bought you a couple of new dresses, Terushima's mother taking you to get dinner. She currently talking to the nice lady who sits on the next table who just picking her cat from a vet.

"He's really cute isn't he?" Terushima's mother turns to you after she has done having a nice chat with the lady.

"Yeah," you answer, you wish you could add something else into the answer, really, but you didn't even care about a pet, to begin with. You never know what to do with them, you can find them cute sometimes, but it never made you want to own them. You always thought they are an independent creature, their body is literally equipped with weapons to survive. Humans should just leave them alone.

"You're not a cat person, aren't you" Terushima's mom smiles

"Apparently not a good pretender either" you let out a nervous laugh

Terushima's mom chuckles, "I hope you get along with Penelope at least"

"Who?" You lightly raise your eyebrows in confuse

"Oh, dear," Terushima's mother leans away in her seat as if she just discover a dark truth of the world, "Yuuji's cat..." she reminds you,

"Oh" you gasped as you feel something just connect in your brain, "the cat- I- I mean, Penny!"

"Yes, the cat..."

You thought there's no use to acting anymore, "no, we don't get along. I almost murder her last night. I'm sorry to say this but, she could be a real jerk sometimes"

Then you pause yourself, maybe there's no use to acting to like the cat, but maybe calling her a jerk is too far. You hesitantly look at Terushima's mother, afraid that you might offend her somehow but her reaction making you like her more.

She burst out a laugh, "now we're talking" she says after a few seconds of laughing. "I finally can watch the tv in the full display after she left with Yujii" she wipes a little tear in the corner of her eyes.

Her laugh slowly affecting you. You hold your laugh at first, hesitant to laugh, and then you fully laughing with her. The two of you just fall into laughter, "she's a nightmare" Terushima's mother laughs, she sounds like she is relieved that she doesn't have to live with it anymore, while your laugh getting bitter because you realize that NOW you're the one who lives with the nightmare.

"How do you even find her in the first place," you say after both of you take a breath

"I don't" she wipe a little tear out of the corner of her eye again, "it's Yuuji's grandpa--my father in law, he really close with Yuuji and when he started to get sick and couldn't play with his grandson anymore, he got Yujii a cat to play with. Penelope is the last gift from my father in law to Yujii before he passed away"

"Oh," your face falls, and the trace of laughter in you completely gone. Now You feel awful for hating Terushima for keeping his cat.

Thanks a lot for making me laugh at a dead person's last gift.

"Well, we should get going. I don't want to keep you out too late" she says as she standing up.

After the two of you leave the restaurant, you shyly ask Terushima's mother to make a quick stop at a pet shop. You ever saw Terushima feeding his cat and remember the cat food he gave to the cat, also thanks to the annoying theme song of their advertisement that sometimes Terushima sang it out loud when he fed the cat, it makes it impossible to forget the name. When you get home, Terushima currently watching tv, and of course Penelope the cat chilling in front of the tv.

"where you go with mom?" Terushima looks up when you walk into the room.

"girls places" you shrug and then you throw the plastic bag with the name of the pet store printed on it. Terushima looking at you questioningly after he takes out the cat food.

"my apology... for murdering your cat ten times in mind" you look away and stroll out the room,

Terushima chuckles softly, almost like an inaudible breeze, "accepted" he says in a loud voice so he can be heard by you who already ascend the stairs.

"still hate the cat tho" you speak as loud as him.

"Just don't kill her," Terushima says that actually make you let out a quiet chuckle.

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