Chapter 28 - A New Way Going to School

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You hurriedly put the last tamagoyaki into Terushima's bento as he shouts from the door, "(F/n)! Hurry!". Sometimes there is a moment when you want to be that normal teenage girl who is very good at making her own bento and then sharing what she made with her friends at school, also, it's nice to have a break from the school's food. But then again, it's too much effort for you so you make that moment came true only on Wednesday. Last night, out of the blue, Terushima just walk into your bedroom and ask you to make one for him too. You were already at a point in life when you stop questioning what's going on inside his head and agree to it.

You've been up since six in the morning to cook for yourself and Terushima. After breakfast with him, you take a shower because you sweat like crazy when you cook. After you get dressed for school, you pack the food into two separate bento lunch boxes and waste no time putting them into a goodie bag.

"We are sooo late," Terushima says after you materialize from the kitchen—bags bumping all the surrounding furniture while your knees hit the back of the sofa. He already stands in the doorway, ready to go.

"Maybe we don't have to be sooo late—" you grumble while clumsily put on your shoes, "—if someone helps me prepare for the food instead of playing with his cat!"

"If you think keeping her away from starving to death is 'playing' then sure, go ahead" Terushima defend himself.

You only roll your eyes as you stand up and recollect the bags that you put down when you grab your shoes to wear them. After you get out of the house, Terushima closes the door and locks it. You thought you can catch your breath on the way to school, but when Terushima begins to navigate his motorcycle through the busy main road at a high speed, you hold your breath every five seconds and start to questions your life choices.

"See you after school," says Terushima as he left you in a hurry and head to the volleyball club room.

You still struggle to stand on your shaking knees when you see that your hand still clutching the bento's bag, "wait... Your bento..." You call after Terushima with a trembling voice but he already reaches the building and disappears around the corner. You sigh as you moving ahead to go to your own club room. The morning practice at Judo's club is rather overwhelming for your liking especially after that one hell of a ride. Eyes heavy from lack of rest, muscle sore from all the activities, You planning to get a quick sleep before class starts, but as soon as you get into your classroom Mei and Kana stopping you a few steps away from your seat.

"You're dating Terushima Yuuji, aren't you?" Kana get straight to the point, but she keeps her voice down so that only the three of you can hear.

"and not a word about it? are we still your friends?" Mei's voice sounds hurtful.

Too bewilders to answer and too tired from Judo practice, you just stand in your spot with your mouth hanging ajar.

"Don't bother lying, 'cause Mei saw you leaving the school with him yesterday." Adds Kana.

"When I notice Terushima hasn't been seen with any girls in our school, I thought he was dating someone outside of our school! But I was wrong, it was you, isn't it?" Mei finishes the sentence in one take of breath and a little bit panting as she finishes.

The fact about Terushima being seen without any girls is the only matter that can kick your mind back to work, "really?" Is the first thing that comes out of you.

"Tell me more" you grab Mei's bonny wrist to your seat. "How do you know? Are you stalking him? how do you stalking" You ask when you sit down. Mei sits in her own chair beside you, while Kana sitting on your desk since her chair is behind you and she seemingly thinks that it's too far if the three of you wanted a private conversation.

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