Chapter 27 - Unexpected Dinner

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"What are you doing here?" You get off the motorcycle while Terushima proceeds to park the vehicle in the garage.

"Well, here I am... visiting" Kuroo grins.

"Doesn't seem like you visiting on purpose, tho" you cross your hands over your chest. You scan him up and down, he's wearing his university team jacket and a bag sling over his shoulder.

"hey, I am here, that's what matter, isn't it?" he states.

"fine... Come on in" you lead him into the house.

You ask Kuroo to sit in the living room and wait for a moment before you run to your room to put your bag and change your clothes. When you get out of your room again you see Terushima closing the door to his room. Once downstairs, you head straight to the kitchen since you came home late and it's nearly time for dinner.

"So all of those cooking classes you've been through is finally paid off, huh?" Kuroo comments as he leans against the kitchen counter near you, watching you prepare for dinner.

"Yup" you giggle reminiscing the memory. Despite your drastic change in attitude, but when your mom told you that you have to learn how to cook; you learn how to cook.

"anything I can help with?" Kuroo offers.

"no." you refuse, "just sit back and watch the miracle happen"

"the thing is, It's hard to just sit back while seeing you, a knife, and a fire in the same room" Kuroo teases.

You laugh, "I told you it's a miracle"

Kuroo stays in the kitchen but he makes sure not to stands in your way while you're cooking. He asks about your cooking method in between conversation sometimes and helping you get things from the higher place without needed to ask. In those conversations, you find out that Kuroo is in Sendai to have a friendly match with a university in town. It was fun to have someone to talk to while you cook, your body moves lighter and the cooking pass without you realize. 

"Yuuji, dinner's ready" you shout as you arrange the last plate at the table.

Terushima finally comes out of his room when you call. You and Kuroo have seated yourself when he arrives in the dining room.

"he still here?" says Terushima with a cynical tone.

"Don't be rude," You lightly scold him, "he's our guest"

"an uninvited one" He retorts,

"Yuuji" you sigh

"It's okay" Kuroo interrupts, "it's way better than what I was expecting"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Terushima narrows his eyes

"You know what I mean, except if that is beyond your capability to comprehend"

"Tetsurou" you grit your teeth at Kuroo

"Did you just call me stupid?" Terushima ignores you. 

"Haaa?" Kuroo snort, "don't compliment yourself, that word is too good for you"

Terushima tenses up, "You better take it back"

"Just... let it go" you look at Terushima.

"Or what?" Kuroo narrows his eyes.

"Stop provoking him, Tetsurou" You look at Kuroo again

"I'll show you what-

"Can we just eat?!" you slam your hand against the table to gain their attention and break the tension that started to build. Terushima and Kuroo flinch when your hand making a loud bang.

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